J.W.Y || Little Him

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     "Use your words, baby," Wooyoung encouraged tiredly as he pushed the cart to a different aisle with one hand while his other was pressed against the baby sling to support the napping infant.

      When another shriek pierced through his ears and everyone else's at the supermarket, he turned back to see the fuming mess of a four year at last; she clearly didn't like what he told her.

     "Nana," he warned as the said child stomped in place aggressively, "you aren't being nice right now."

     Nana didn't reply with anything but louder ear-piercing shrieks before she charged toward her father, bumping into his leg intentionally before continuously punching it. It looked funny, very funny, but Wooyoung knew that laughing would only encourage her bad behavior more.

     "Yeeh!" Wooyoung gasped dramatically as he bent down to move her away from his leg and look her in her eyes. It seemed like even then she was fighting to go back to beating him. "Nana! What's wrong with you?"

     Nana could speak alright; in fact, she has a viciously extended vocabulary, but she has refused to let out a single meaningful word the whole day. Throwing tantrums seemed to be on her checklist for the day.

     This time, instead of jumping at Wooyoung, she decided to attack her little sleeping brother.

     "Yah!" Wooyoung pushed her away from the sleeping child before she could wake him up, "what are you doing?!"

     "Dada!" Nana cried as she gripped onto his leg while looking up to meet his eyes.

      Wooyoung and Zena were both expecting that Nana would start acting up once they had a new addition to their family, Wooyoung just couldn't understand why she always pulled this on him alone.

     "Talk normally," Wooyoung instructed calmly before turning around to grab a can of tomato sauce to add to their cart. Nana threw another tantrum at his legs. As he walked, he had to drag her weight along him as she gripped onto him like there was no tomorrow. He was thankful for wearing a belt today.

     "Wow, look over there, isn't that a child like you, he looks so well behaved, I think they will buy him ice cream," Wooyoung mentioned purposefully as he took an item off the shelf to check its ingredients.

     Nana looked around furiously but saw no one. She began to cry. Not a cute little cry, no, full-on sobs until she couldn't even breathe.

     "I hate you!" Nana yelled before storming off. Wooyoung watched as she ran away, tripping midway, picking herself up, and running again until she threw herself at the edge of the aisle and sat on the floor. She continued crying

     Wooyoung got the item before pushing his trolly down the aisle and picking different things that were mentioned in the list he carried, and some that weren't mentioned too. He could feel the infant in the sling move around, so he paused to check on him.

     "Kyu-yah," he muttered as his fingers stroked through the infant's light brown locks. For a 3 week old baby, he surely had a lot of hair.

     Kyu fiddled around a bit before settling once again. When Wooyoung looked up, he could no longer see Nana.

      Panic rushed through his veins like a drug.

     "Nana!" he called out as he pushed the trolly to the edge of the isle before stopping to look from both directions only to catch no sign of her. "Nana!" he called again. "Nayoung!"

     He left the cart and walked in one direction, he checked all isles on his left and right till he reached a dead end before walking back to do so in the other direction.

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