C.S || Far From Home (Request)

368 10 6

Pairing: San x Mai (requested)

Genre: fluff, Christmas theme, childhood friends to lovers.

Word count: 2.1k

 Mood sampler

   It was almost as if Mai had gotten used to life here

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   It was almost as if Mai had gotten used to life here.


    She grew used to the weather, and it was better than the rainy weather back home objectively. She did not have to rethink multiple times before wearing something that flowed beneath her ankles at the very least.

    She grew used to the busy roads and the crowds enough to navigate herself through them, and enough for her to enjoy her way back and forth from the institute where she was pursuing higher education.

    She grew used to her small apartment that had a great view of the nearby skyscrapers, and she loved how it looked at night.

    She grew used to the accent of the people here. Heck, she even imitates it perfectly now. No one could tell that she wasn't from around here unless she chose to reveal it.

    She grew used to her colleagues and even made a few friends outside of the constricting educational domain. People in Seoul were more used to diversity, so she fit in perfectly.

    While it might seem mundane and mediocre, everything here was a spitting image of how Mai envisioned her future to be. This is what she wanted, yet...

    Something was missing.

    In everything she experiences, it seemed like it was a little bit off or incomplete; so close to being absolutely satisfactory, but it isn't.


    Mai always thought it must be the change of location or lack of contact with her family, but no, she knows for a fact it isn't that. When she attended university abroad before for her graduating semester, she never felt this way despite being in a completely foreign place with a different timezone, too.

    So what is it? And why is it beginning to pull at her heartstrings around this time of the year in particular?

    As she walked back home from the station, Mai had some earphones on in an attempt to distract herself, but it proved unsuccessful the moment she saw the first flake of snow drift down to lay on the tip of her nose leaving her cross-eyed.

    Unintentionally, Mai ended up sneezing, and the moment her eyes opened again, she was surprised to see the crazy amount of snowflakes coming down. It almost seemed like a whole blizzard broke out in less than a second.

    Logical thinking told Mai to hurry home before it got worse like everyone around her was doing, but something else kept her in place.

    It was really happening...

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