S.M.G || Way Back Home

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      "How are you not freezing to death?" Mingi asked his girlfriend who wore a sweater with a mini skirt and a pair of very thin stockings.

      "I am, Mingi!" Yuri snapped back as she dropped the basket near her feet to hug herself. "The weather forecast didn't say it'd be this cold today," she grumbled under her breath making Mingi chuckle slightly before pulling her into a side hug, his hand rubbing her arm to keep her warm.

     "Come on, it's the last train we have to take to get home," the tall man clad in a large coat with glasses at the edge of his nose comforted gently.

     Feeling the change in the current, Yuri leaned further into Mingi's as the train finally arrived.

     Mingi bent down to pick up the basket before tugging on her hand as they pushed through the crowd to get in.

     They ended up standing opposite each other and trapping their picnic basket between their legs to stop it from sliding across the floor.

     While Mingi held onto the strap with ease, 5'5 Yuri struggled to hold her balance and almost went flying once the train started moving if Mingi hadn't held onto her.

     "Woah," he exclaimed as he used his feet to push the basket aside and pulled Yuri to him by the waist. "Just hold onto me."

     With a sigh, Yuri did as told and let go of the strap she was holding to push herself against her boyfriend's chest.

     "Tired?" Mingi guessed, and she nodded wordlessly.

     "Aren't you?" Yuri asked back softly.

     "I'm exhausted," Mingi groaned. "I shouldn't have agreed to race with Yunho..." 

     She giggled at his words.

     "Today was great though," Yuri added after a moment of silence. Mingi hummed in agreement as a small smile of pride decorated his face. Yuri could feel the rumbling in his chest more than she could hear his voice amidst the noise on the train.

     Yuri tugged at the bottom of her skirt in discomfort, and Mingi noticed so he pulled away slightly to take off his coat and place it on her shoulder.

     "What about you?" Yuri asked in concern.

     "It's really hot in here anyway, I'll take it back once we are out," Mingi chuckled before pulling her to him. This time Yuri looked up at him.

     "How many stops?" she asked, and he took a moment to calculate before answering her.

     "Eleven," he informed making her sigh. "Don't worry, they'll pass faster than you think," Mingi tried to comfort her as he caressed her hair, but the sudden sound of a baby's wail echoed through the entire cart proving him wrong immediately.

     "Great," she grumbled beneath her breath.

     "Hey, come on, at least you're not the person who is holding this child, seeing everyone get uncomfortable because of you," Mingi shrugged, and she sighed.

     "You're right, never have kids until you can buy a car; noted," Yuri concluded making Mingi laugh as his fingers pushed her hair away from her eyes.

    She pulled away to open the basket and take out a bar of chocolate she had left inside it before turning to locate where the voice was coming from. It was a bit far so she frowned.

     "It's ok, you can," his eyes pointed at the man in front of her, "tell him to pass it on."

     Yuri wordlessly poked the man to gain his attention before signaling for him to pass it to the weeping mess of a child. She went back into Mingi's arms who was watching the people on the train pass the chocolate till it reached the child who, then, stopped crying.

      Yuri smiled when she could no longer hear his cries and looked up at Mingi who smiled back at her proudly.

      "Is this you proving you're mother material?" Mingi asked jokingly.

     "Get a car first," Yuri quipped back in a groan making him giggle before he pecked her cheek making her smile softly.

     At the next stop, more people flooded in, making everyone push into each other. Yuri's face was flushed against Mingi's chest.

     "Yulhee said that trains are usually empty at midnight," Yuri nagged not used to the discomfort of public transport.

      "They are but not on the weekends," Mingi explained before placing his chin on her head making her melt further into his embrace.

     "How's your headache?" Yuri asked, and he chuckled.

      "It can't get any better here," Mingi sighed, and Yuri looked up to trail her fingers into his hair gently.

     "When we get home, I'll give you my special scalp massage," Yuri offered with a giggle.

      "I don't know if I should take you up on that offer," Mingi spoke back feigning concern.

      "Bold of you to assume you could say no," Yuri scoffed before Mingi bent down slightly to peck her nose.

     "Let us get home first," he chuckled pushing her head to his chest again as his finger stroked through the hair she recently cut, loving the feeling of the sharp cut of her edges against his skin.

     As they got closer to their destination, the train started getting less and less crowded.

     "Are we–" Yuri pulled away from Mingi, "Ah!" she cried in pain as her earrings got stuck in his sheer sweater.

     "Oh, gosh!" Mingi gasped, "Hold on, I'll get it out." He let go of the strap as his fingers fiddled with her earring untangling it from both his sweater and her black hair.

     Just then, the train came to a sudden halt, and the couple lost balance as none of them were holding onto anything. They almost toppled over each other if Mingi didn't pull himself up and haul the woman along with him.

     "Ah!" Yuri cried as her ear only got hurt more from this.

      "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Mingi rambled as he quickly disentangled her earring from his sweater. "Does it hurt?" He examined her ear that has grown red.

     "A little," Yuri exhaled deeply. "Is it bleeding?"

      Mingi shook his head. "Our stop is next," he tried to cheer her up, and she smiled gently. She almost put her head against his chest again but jolted back in fear of going through the same pain again.

     "I think we should practice social distancing until I take these earrings off," Yuri joked as she held his hand instead.

      Mingi laughed as his thumb traced her once silky skin, feeling the newly found roughness that weighed on her delicate fingers; he intertwined their fingers gently.

     Yuri smiled at him, and he breathed her in before smiling back knowing he'd do anything to keep that smile on her face.

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