J.W.Y || Go to Sleep

435 11 18

Genre: domestic fluff

Pairing: Wooyoung x Zena (oc)

Word count: 1.6k

Mood samplers:

Mood samplers:

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    Zena shuffled around in bed for a minute before accepting reality and waking up; she needed the toilet.

    She navigated her way to the bathroom with her eyes shut and did everything while her brain is on autopilot.

     She almost threw herself back to the confines of her bed when she finally realized how empty it was. Her eyebrows drew closer in confusion as she scratched the back of her head.

      While she did fall asleep without him, Wooyoung had promised he'd only stay up for a maximum of an hour. Zena might not know what time it is, but judging by the red marks on her pale skin, she'd been sleeping for quite a while now.

      Zena walked out of the bedroom; the light of the hallway that was usually left open for the kids immediately harassed her tired eyes, and she squinted to the best of her ability to avoid the tingling pain.

      The hallway continued to the living room, where Zena could see Wooyoung sitting at the dining table in the dark. The light from the laptop in front of him reflected on the glasses he had resting at the tip of his nose as one of his hands hovered over the keyboard without moving while the other was between his teeth as he nipped at his nails absentmindedly; a habit he never seemed to grow out of.

     Zena looked at the clock on the wall as she moved toward the living room; it was, indeed, way too late.

     "What happened to 'give me a minute, and I'll go to bed'?" Zena asked as she leaned by the door frame with her arms crossed; partially for sass, but majorly because of the cold of this room.

      "Did Kyu wake you up?" Wooyoung asked back as his eyes flickered up to her before turning back to the screen; his hand slowly retracted from between his lips to the keyboard as he sat up properly.

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