K.H.J || Weighted Blanket

457 15 12

Genre: fluff, slight angst, college.

Pairing: Hongjoong x Nara (oc)

Word count: 1.9k

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     It was a lazy Sunday for Hongjoong and Nara. They were sprawled out on the bed, limbs all over the area, tangling with the sheets. Nara's hair was untied (all thanks to Hongjoong who pulled her hair tie out absent-mindedly, and she never really cared to argue), and it scattered all around the bed and Hongjoong's body. The window was left open, allowing the occasional spring breeze to dance around the room.

     Since Nara's dormmate was visiting her family for the holidays, Hongjoong has been over the whole time. Today, the two had decided to have a well-deserved lazy day because they'd been out and about enough. So here they were, scrolling through their devices all evening, and occasionally napping, and that's all they had planned for the evening.

     "Joong," Nara mumbled, nudging him to look at her screen.

     "Hmm?" he replied lazily, his eyes still on his own phone.

     "Look at this," Nara shoved her screen in front of his face, "I'm planning on getting it."

     "Wow, another navy blue blanket," Hongjoong let out sarcastically after looking at her screen for less than a second, not even trying to sound enthusiastic.

      "No," Nara whined with a chuckle, smacking his shoulder to get his attention again. "It's a weighted blanket, I've been looking for one that suits my room for ages."

      "A weighted blanket?" Hongjoong scoffed out, giving her a stink eye. "It's almost summer, Nara, what will you do with it?"

      "It says it helps with anxiety, besides, it doesn't like warm you up more than an average blanket, it's just weighted," Nara explained, not caring about Hongjoong's sassy attitude, seeing as she is used to it by now.

       "It's for almost 300 dollars," he gaped in shock once he saw the price.

      "I know, that's why I'm taking your stupid opinion, do you think I should get it?" Nara nudged him again so he could stop acting so shocked when he was the proud owner of a $4000+ collection of instruments he uses once every blue moon.

      "I mean, it's your choice." He rolled his eyes. "You're the one who will pay for it."

       "I know that, you moron," she groaned pulling away from him. Hongjoong turned to sit up and side-eye her.

       "Why do you need a weighted blanket when you have me anyway," Hongjoong scoffed, and before Nara could voice how stupid this correlation was, he slung his left leg across her abdomen and allowed his body weight to drop on her, knocking the air out of her lungs. "Is your anxiety gone?" he had to add.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2023 ⏰

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