P.S.H || Family Issues I

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   "You can at least act like you want to go," Seonghwa commented bitterly as he had been observing his wife's annoyed expression the whole time it took for them to dress up.

     Remia met his eyes through the mirror where she was styling her hair and replied by giving him the most obviously faked smile he ever saw. "Better?" she asked, sarcasm dripping down her tongue like honey.

     Seonghwa rolled his eyes in immense vexation as he inhaled deeply. Without a word, he stood up from the side of the bed and left the room.

     "Hey!" he could hear Remia yell behind his back, and soon he heard her footsteps against the carpeted floor. "Why are you upset, now?"

     The sentence was enough to make him scoff before turning to her-agitated. "I don't know, you tell me."

     "Come on, are you seriously going to get mad over that?" Remia asked giddly as she approached him as she batted her eyelids innocently.

     "No, Remia, I am already mad over that," he let out sternly, and Remia drops the playful act as she inhaled deeply, "do I act like this when I go to your parents' house? Would you like it if I do that?"

     "My parents are different. They raised girls and boys, so they deal with you coming over just fine. Your mother though-" she tried to bring up smoothly, but there was no way that could happen.

     "Don't bring my mother up-" Seonghwa stopped her knowing exactly where she was going with this.

     "Why? Because you know what I'm saying is right. Even Dina stopped coming," Remia mentioned his sister-in-law, "She treats us like baby making machines and body shames us every passing se-"

     "But this is not the point now is it!" he snapped making her stop midsentence.

     "Then what is the point?" she asked back coldy, her eyebrow raising as she crossed her arms over her chest. Remia was defensive now.

     "I-it isn't about you," Seonghwa struggled to fight against the frustration coursing through his veins, "it isn't something you have to enjoy, can't you even do it for my sake?! She might be annoying to you, but she is still my mom, and it makes me feel like shit to see you act like this whenever we go see her," he complained.

     "But it's not like I refused to go, I'm going anyway," she argued back as she shrugged, still trying to keep her cool-headed aura that ticked him off.

      "I would rather you not, then! Would it hurt if you at least act like you're looking forward to it- actually, cancel that, can you not act like you would rather die than go there every fucking time! " Seonghwa found himself yelling; something he doesn't usually feel comfortable doing, and upon realizing how it sounded from the way Remia's expression changed, he wished he could take it back. He gulped down the guilt creeping up his throat as his eyes stung. He stumbled a few steps back."N-nevermind, I'm sorry. You don't have to go, I'll go alone," he spoke under his breath before turning away, but Remia held onto his sweater's sleeve before he walked away.

     "I," she sighed, "I didn't really see it from your perspective. I'm sorry for being a bitch about it. It's not that I have something against your parents... I just am not in the best mood these day-never mind, it isn't an excuse." She stepped forward and embraced him in a back hug. "I'm really sorry." She saw him raise his head up to stop his tears from running down his face; a habit of his that always pulled at her heartstrings.

     "You said that last time, too," he muttered against his hitching breath as his arm covered his eyes. Remia felt the weight of her words claw at her lungs; she really never thought much of it, but it clearly got to him.

     "Love, I'm really sorry," she uttered softly, her arms tightening around his waist as her eyes turned red, "I didn't know I hurt you. All that's been happening these days have really gotten to me, and didn't realize it affected you equally, I only made it harder."

     "I-it's nothing, I-I'm just making s big dea-" Seonghwa tried to untangle himself from her when she brought up that topic, he most certainly didn't want to make it all about him, but she stopped him anyway.

     "No, you aren't. I'll make it up to you."

     "You don't need to-" he argued back only to be interrupted.

     "We are going to your parents' today, and I'll even help you cook dinner when we get there, how does that sound, hm?" She tiptoed to placed her chin on his shoulder and turned to see his expression. A little smile decorated his face before he turned to meet her eyes and chuckled. He turned around, accepting her into his arms.

     "I'm not sure if the last part is a promise or a threat though," Seonghwa laughed as she wiped at his eyes before he hide his head in her neck.

     "You'll find out," she giggled against his hair.

This was initially a 4k+ words chapter but I split it into parts for the sake of all of us. I indented the whole 4k part and just that took 15 minutes but wattpad was an ass and deleted all the progress so I had to redo the indentation rip.
I hope you enjoyed this angsty chapter (as if the majority of these imagines hasn't been lowkey angsty).

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