C.J.H || The Balcony

304 9 11

 Genre: hurt/comfort, angst, fluff, established relationship.

Pairing: Jongho x Kami (oc)

TW: Suicidal thoughts.

Word count: 1.4k

Mood sampler

Mood sampler

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      Humming a familiar song between wavering breaths, Kami sat on the edge of the balcony, her thighs struggling to fit through the bars just so she could swing them back and forth like a child.

       It wasn't supposed to be this cold right now— it was almost July— but Kami found herself shivering ever so slightly. She hugged the thin jacket around her body.

     She muttered the lyrics of a song to herself as she watched the cars speed by the highway 13 floors below her. Something about how everyone seemed to have somewhere to be made her want to grow smaller and smaller until she wished to disappear completely from this earth.

       Her hands held the cold metal railing so she could lean her fevering head against it. Kami let out a faltering exhale.

        She can still remember first moving in here with Jongho like it was yesterday; oh, how excited they were. Somewhere along the way, that feeling must've died—for her at least.

       Kami grew too familiar with this balcony for her liking, sharing memories with it she couldn't entrust anyone else with; the cause of her sleepless nights, the ripped papers drifting down to be lost amongst the walking crowd, the lost dreams trying to find a home within her, and the cinnamon tea warm enough to burn down her throat.

       When she was about to sing the next few words of the song, Kami found herself silenced by the weight of them on her chest, but she pushed it down with a gulp as if she was punishing herself by forcing the words out of her. "So please, hurry, leave me. I can't breathe," she shuddered, "please don't say you love me."

      It felt like her head was throbbing, and nothing really felt real. The broken singing seemed like the only way her presence didn't efface off the face of the earth once and for all. So, she kept singing, despite how much it hurt her to do so.

       "One word from you, and I would jump off of this ledge I'm on, baby," she hiccuped as Jongho flashed through her mind, making her feel all the more guilty about being the way she is. He deserved better, yet she wasn't willing to let him go.

     "Tell me 'don't', so I-" she took in a sharp breath involuntarily, "I can crawl back in." The way the words scratched against her throat in just the right way to make her feel like a disgusting animal was what made this song her favorite on days like this.

       She shut her eyes, the sound of the traffic growing louder and louder in her ear; she could almost hear the breathing of every being on this planet all at once, making her head almost erupt. Kami was waiting...

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