Chapter 7: The Memories

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Charlotte's Point of View

"The day I say you...I fell in love with you..I couldn't keep my eyes away from you..Charlotte..I have feelings for you..I have never felt this for anyone else..Now before your very eyes..I'm asking..Will you be my girlfriend?" Michael says as he shows me the heart necklace...


There's no words coming out...I'm really in kinda shock and surprise...First my parents die...And then Michael asks me...ME! To be his girlfriend...I don't want to break his heart...What if I'm not good for him? What if Cameron notices and comes from revenge?..You don't know with that dude...And what about Stephanie?...She already shot me 2 times..If me and Michael start going out..Who would know what she will do next...Gosh Damn It...Too many questions...*sights*...

"Michael..*clears throat*...I would love to be your girlfriend..but here's the thing..I gotta tell you my story...Me and Cameron went out for 8..almost 9 months...He asked me for my virginity..I said I wanted to wait cause I was barely a teenager...Then I guessed he moved on and got what he wanted with another...Now...I am scared that if he notices we are together...He will come back for revenge...I fucking know it...And what about Stephanie..huh? Doesn't she still got feelings for you?...She already shot me 2 times...if me and you start going out..Who knows what she will do next...Gosh Damn it.." I say frustrated and go to the couch and cover my face...

"I understand you have had a rough past...Believe me...I have had a rough past...Stephanie wanted only my money and sex...I broke up with her after 1 month because she became really annoying..Saying to buy her stuff...Saying to spend time with her..With that my feelings for her disappeared...I had to move to another school because she started threating me...I guess she followed me...But look...Cameron is a jackass..he never deserved you...or Stephanie didn't deserve me..I am a person would want to share all my love with the world..I wanna share my love with someone that loves me for who I am..not use me for what I have..." Michael says as he takes 3 of his fingers and putting them under my chin so I can look at him...With my eyes still a little red...

"Michael..I completely understand you...With the tragedy of my parents death I haven't been my normal self...What I'm saying here...I met you for a reason...Ohh what the heck..let me just get to the point...*sights*...Yes Michael...I would love to be your girlfriend..." I say as I start crying tears of joy..knowing I am not alone now...

He puts the heart necklace around my neck..Then he gives me a kiss on the cheek...I swear this is what I needed the whole time...

"Charlotte, I promise to you...Nobody will ever hurt you in this world...My hand on my heart..."

Then when he said those words...I remembered...Cameron said the same exact words to me when he asked me out...Damn the memories are coming back..NOO NOO! The flashbacks are like a thousand knifes stabbing me in the back...a tear rolls down my face but I quickly wipe it so Michael wont think I am a emotional bipolar brat...Shit..I gotta talk to Lindsay..Like ASAP..I gotta talk to her about a lot of stuff...I take out my phone and dial her number..Lindsay please pick up!!


"Lindsay, Lindsay, Lindsay..Hey...Is there anyway I could go to your house right now? I really need to talk to you..Is an ASAP Emergency!!"

"Woah..Okay..You sound excited..Just come over.."

I put on my converse boots and grab my purse..I give Michael a kiss and I am off..I told him I was gonna meet him at the mall later..Today is Friday!! TURN UP DAY!! WOOHOO!...I drive like some minutes and run towards her door...Lindsay opens up...I hug her tight...

"Hey Girly..Come on inside..."

I come inside and seat on her couch smiling from ear to ear...

"Woah Charlotte...Who gave you that necklace..Looks hella expensive.."

"Ohh that..*smiles*...Michael gave it to me..."

"Michael..Why the hell would he give you a necklace that expensive.."

"Okay, Okay..Gotta come in clean..Today I didn't go to school because today the local police from Santa Barbara called me saying they found my parents bodies...dead...I couldn't go to school..I was in a state of shock..Then Michael came by...I told him everything..Then he hugged me tight and I kept crying on his shoulder..Then he told me that he had to ask me something...He got on one knee and opened a box with this heart necklace...And this is the exact words he said 'The day I say you...I fell in love with you..I couldn't keep my eyes away from you..Charlotte..I have feelings for you..I have never felt this for anyone else..Now before your very eyes..I'm asking..Will you be my girlfriend?'...I couldn't say nothing..I was all choked up..Then I told him my story with Cameron..Then I finally gave in..I said yes...Then he said the same words that Cameron said when we were going out...Then I came here..Too much stuff for one whole day..huh?" I say out of breath from all that talking..

"Damn girl..I am sorry for your lost but Damn girl..You and Michael? I knew y'all were gonna be a couple some day..Anyways..My date was very romantic...Brian did the classic move that he yawns and then puts his arm around me..So adorable..Then we went to the diner and then the park..He kissed me!! CHARLOTTE HE KISSED ME!! I was like OH MY DEAR LORDJESUS...Then he gave me this bracelet with my name on it..Hella cute.

"Woah...Damn...I guess you had fun..In my date Michael did the same..the classic move...and then when we were at the park..The moon was at the edge of the lake..Like the movies..And kissed me..I gave it and didn't break it! YASSS! I'M PROUD OF MYSELF..I told Michael I was gonna meet him at the Mall later.."

"Ohh..Y'all 2..Alone..Sounds interesting *smirks*.." Lindsay says as she gives me a little wink...

"Shut up..What about your Brian..huh? I know y'all gonna become something..I mean look..Me and you are both 16..almost 17..Time for you to get a man..Your beautiful, smart, funny, crazy, responsible..Who wouldn't want you?"

"Well..He did ask me to go on a date with him..I don't know if I should go..or not"

"Girl..You should a life time opportunity..Don't waste it"

"Okay..I'll go"

Me and Lindsay talk and talk..I feel much better now...I say goodbye to Lindsay..And I'm off to go to the mall..I hope her date goes well..I drive and drive..Turn on the radio...'Rhythm of the Night, By Debarge' goes on...Yass this is the type of music for a night like this...I get to the mall..Where did Michael told me to meet him? Oh'Aeropostale'...I go into the store...I keep on looking for him..Where the hell is he? Then I feel somebody covering my eyes..That's Michael..I turn around and expect to find Michael..but is Mr. Ghost of Jealousy...Cameron...

"What the hell are you here for?" I say of course being pissed..

"Well you look nice...Are you here with someone?"

"Well I had to meet somebody here...Ohh Yeah..MY BOYFRIEND!!"

Then I see Michael coming my way...Thank you Jesus...My man is here! Then Cameron runs away like a little girl *laughs* I don't know how could I went out with him..This is how Lindsay describes Cameron 'He acts like a girl..He talks like a girl..He screams like a girl..Well he is a girl'..That mess always makes me laugh..I look at Michael and give him a hug..I can't fight this feeling I have for him anymore..

"Hey Babe...What were you doing with Cameron?" Michael says as he gives me a kiss...

"I was looking for you..Until I felt somebody cover my eyes..At first I thought it was you..But it was Cameron...Then when he saw you he ran away like a girl..*laughs*..But forget him..You're here now"..

Michael takes my hand and we start going all over the mall...My support money is gonna get send in my mail..Right now I just care and love that I am with Michael...The only one I love in this world..

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