Chapter 70: Tender Loving Care

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Author's Note: Well, I've been reading the comments and stuff, and I've heard a lot of people say that there's a lot of drama between couples, and I'm trying to sound very realistic..This chapter, it will have it's drama, but it will end with it's cuteness...I hope you guys like it..I will try to add more sweet and cute chapters, and cut the drama a little, because, I think this chapter needs more sweet and cute than drama...

Also, I wanna give a shoutout to some of my Favorite People on Wattpad

mjfamforever with her awesome story, "In Love With The Teacher"....MissJackson777 with her cute story, "You Give Me Fever"...and, crystalshephard75 with her dramatic, and awesome story "A Simple Love Story"

Please, go read their stories..They are my favorite stories..

Michael's Point of View

"Baby, is just your hormones..." I say comfortingly as I take Charlotte into embrace...

"Lindsay's pregnant by Adam, how can that be my hormones?...She just found out she's pregnant by that asshole, and plus she's pregnant with Brian...I bet she's crying her eyes out right now, I can feel her pain...I hate this, I swear I do..."

"Charlotte," I say as I kiss her forehead "I know you feel bad for what's happening to Lindsay, the Divorce, and then she finds out she's pregnant by the guy that broke her heart, yes, I know you feel bad...But, you can't let that control you...Remember, this baby has been through so much, and it hasn't been brought into the world yet..."

"I know, I know," She says as she sobs on my chest "But, I'm her best friend, me and her are like sisters...I have to be there for her through thick and thin, and you know that...I just wish I could make her life better, I swear if I could, I would've done it a long time ago..."

"How is that even possible?" I ask "How can she be pregnant twice with two different guys?"

"Well, this is how Cameron explained it to me.." Charlotte says as I wipe her tears "Ok..Lindsay's pregnant with Brian, yes, so..first she's gotta bring that baby into the world, and then Adam's baby, it'll start growing like any other baby, until she brings it to the world...It's really complicated...And, she went to the Doctor, and in the ultrasound, you could see Adam's baby, but it was so tiny...I just hope, I really hope her life goes well..."

I sigh and rest my head on her shoulder "I do too.."

"Michael, Can you do me a favor?" Charlotte asks sweetly..

"Yes, honey...anything.."

"Can you go get me some those Vitamins the Doctor subscribed me for the baby, we ran out..Can you go to Walgreens and get it for me?"

"Sure, honey..I'll be right back.." I say as I kiss her lips and leave...

I've been thinking, me and Charlotte are stable, yes, but lately...We've been arguing more than we were before...I miss her old self, with what's been going on..She hasn't been the same lately...I wish we could go back to being cute and sweet, and not mean and rude...

I stop my car at Walgreens, and I go into the store...

After I get done buying the Vitamins, I spot Lindsay sitting on a bench in the middle of the park that's close to Walgreens, and..Wait..Is she crying?

"Lindsay..." I say as I as I sit beside her on the bench "How's it going?"

"Hey, Michael.." She says as she fakes a smile "Everything's been alright..."

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