Chapter 52: Possessed

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Author's Note: That song they are singing at the beginning, is called 'Emotions by The Bee Gees'.

Charlotte's Point of View

*3 Days later*

Stephanie finally left me and my family alone, I think she is not gonna possess anybody anymore, I don't think...

I am 3 weeks pregnant, I will be taking a break from work...Because Michael said so...

Right now I am sitting down in the Piano Room alone, Michael is outside playing with the twins..

"And where are you now," I sing out "Now that I need you? Tears on my pillow...Wherever you go..."

Then I stop singing...Wait, Somebody's watching me...I turn around and see Michael.

"Why did you stop singing?" Michael asks as he sits down beside me...

I blush "I don't like anyone to hear me singing..."

"Come on, you were singing great...Here, Let me help you a little bit.."

Michael looks at my music sheet and starts playing on the piano...Damn, he can play.

"You know that there'll be nobody left in this world to hold me tight..." Michael sings out "Nobody left in this world to kiss me goodnight..."

"In the words of a broken heart.." I sing sadly "It's just emotion that's taken me over...Tied up in sorrow, lost in my soul..."

"Nah uh.." Michael says "That's not how you were singing a while ago...What's wrong.."

"I just...After all I have gotten you through?...Why do you put up with me?...There are better women out there, Why are you still with me?" I say as I cover my face...

"Because I love you...Listen, you are the most beautiful, the most kindest, the most loving person I can ever, ever fall in love with..I knew the second I met you, that there was something about you that I needed..It turns out it wasn't something about you at all, it was just you..." Michael says as he wipes my tears "Stop crying, I don't like to see you cry...I just want you to smile, that pretty smile on your face that always makes me fall in love with you all over again. Charlotte, you are the main reason of my happiness...You are the thing I need to survive, without you, my world would be dark...but you've made my world a place of happiness and love. I don't want just any women, I just want you because I love you"

"M-Michael...I love you so much too, I can't live without you, you are the light in my life...You are the one I love, and you are the reason for my smile everyday...I can't stop telling you how much I love you, and I would break apart if you left...I wouldn't know what to do without you. I can't explain how much I love you, Is just--"

Michael cuts me off with the most slow, passionate, tender kiss ever...Here go the butterflies again...

"Michael??" I say as I break our kiss "Where are the kids?"

"Uhh...I left them outside..."

"Outside?..Alone?...Ugh...Michael!!" I say as I stand up and go out of the Piano Room...

I go to the kitchen and look out the window...They are not outside, Ugh...Why did Michael leave them alone?...

"Michael!!" I scream "They're not outside..."

Michael comes in running with the kids behind them, but wait...Why are they crying?...

"Sarah? Daryl.." I say as I kneel down and kiss their foreheads "Why are you guys crying?"

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