Chapter 65: We're Talkin' Danger, Baby

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Charlotte's Point of View

"Michael?," I ask as I put more clothes in my Traveling Bag "Are you sure you want me to go to Moscow today, I could just stay here with you and the kids.."

"No, baby" Michael says "I want you to go to Moscow, I want you to have your fun, But, Is hard seeing you leave..."

"Aww, Michael" I say pouting, as I walk closer to him "I swear, 5 days will go by fast, I promise...Now, Come here and give me a kiss.."

Michael lifts me up and gives me a kiss, I swear, I'm going to miss his lips so bad...

He sighs "Come on, We gotta take you to the Airport now.."

He sets me down, and I swear I feel my eyes getting teary, I just realized how much I'm going to miss him, his touches, his kisses, his hugs, his gentle voice...I really am going to miss him. I feel tears roll down my cheeks as I look down...

"Aww, baby" Michael says as he holds me tight and kisses the top of my head "Don't cry, I promise you, We will be together soon, now enjoy this 5 days in Moscow and then you can tell us everything when you come back, alright?"

"Michael," I say as more tears roll down my eyes "I can't stop crying, Is just my Mood Swings and the thing is, I'm really gonna miss you, I'm going to miss your touches, your kisses, your hugs, your gentle voice, I'm just going to miss you completely.."

He lifts up my chin "Aww, really? I'm going to miss you too, and I'm going to miss you a lot, baby girl...Don't cry those pretty eyes out...I love you and I love you a lot...We'll soon be together, I promise. Now, go and enjoy those 5 days in Moscow"

"Michael," I say "Are you sure you're going to be okay with the kids?"

"I'll be fine, Don't worry about anything, I got everything under control.." Michael says as he kisses my forehead...

I hug him so tight, I think his ribs are broken by now "Do we really have to go to the Airport now?"

"Yes, baby...Now come on, Let's go" Michael says as he takes my Traveling Bag...I sit on the bed and cross my arms, refusing to go...Michael sighs and puts my Traveling Bag down and lifts me up and it seems he is taking me to the car...

"Let me go, Michael!!" I say "I don't want to go..."

Michael sets me down and looks at me right in the eye "You're going to that damn trip, and that's it, you hear me? I don't care if you don't want to go, I worked too damn hard just to get you that trip to Moscow, You're going to that trip you like it or not.." Michael says loudly, almost yelling at me.

I get my Traveling Bag and with tears in my eyes go out and into the car, how can he yell at me like that? He knows how much I'm going to miss him, but, why does he need to yell at me?

Michael and the twins get in the car, and then the car starts moving, I look out the window as more tears roll down my cheeks, I stay in silence.

Once we get to the Airport, I see Lindsay, Brian and the kids in the parking lot too, the kids get out of the car and they go running to where Lindsay's kids are...While me and Michael stay in the car in silence...

Michael grabs my tight and I slap his hand "Don't you dare touch me again, You're not going to miss me at all, and I'm glad I'm going to Moscow, because I just need a break from you, all you do is yell at me when I didn't even do nothing wrong, What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Look," Michael says as he wipes my tears "I'm sorry for yelling at you, I was just frustrated, and I am going to miss you, you don't know how much. It is hard for me seeing you leave, You know I can't do anything without you, but I'm going to sacrifice myself just because I really want you to have fun in Moscow"

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