Chapter 76: Just Love Me

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Charlotte's Point of View

"Well, how's my beautiful pregnant wife this fine morning?" Michael says coming in the room with a tray full of food, I think that's my breakfast...

I sit up on the bed and rub my tired eyes "Well, somebody's in a good mood today.." I say with sympathy, and go to the bathroom to freshen up...

"That's right, baby..." Michael says wrapping his arms around me, and I look at us in the bathroom mirror..."Wanna know why?"

I nod and finish brushing my teeth...

I turn around and put my hand on his chest..."I'm in a good mood today because I know you're mine.." He whispers seductively as he nibbles my neck...

He grabs my tights and lifts me up, setting my body on the bathroom counter, as he starts kissing my neck...

"M-Michael.." I breathe out "Did I tell you how much I love you?" I say as I wrap my arms around his neck...

"Hmm.." He says breaking our little make-out session "I don't think you have today.." He says smirking...

I get off the counter and sit on the bed, and drink my orange juice..."Thanks for the breakfast.." I say biting my toast...

"Anything for you, sweetie..." Michael says leaving the room after sending me a air-kiss...

I sigh and fall on the bed, I swear, I'm so damn glad all of this drama is over, at least for now...But, the thing that's been on my mind, and is making me feel so damn guilty is...My kiss with Cameron...

I'm not saying I reject the kiss me and him had, I actually needed that kiss, at the moment...

I think the kiss happened because me and him were craving for somebody, I was craving for Michael, and apparently he was craving me...But, at that very moment when his lips touched mine, I felt fireworks go off inside of me...I felt something weird and beautiful at the same time, but, the only man I want to kiss is Michael, and that's no lie.

I finish my breakfast and decide to go downstairs to wash the plates I just used, I slowly walk downstairs and find Michael making something, all I can see is a box..

"Michael, what do you got there?" I say putting the plates in the dishwasher..

"Oh, baby.." He says laughing nervously and hiding something behind his back "Is nothing.."

I stand in front of him and put my hands on my hips, and raise my eyebrow "Come on, Michael..I can see youre hiding something...Can I see it?" I say giving him my "puppy eyes", I know he can't ignore my "puppy eyes.."

"Ugh...Those eyes..." He says closing his eyes "Fine, just sit down and close your pretty eyes.."

I walk towards the couch and sit on it, and close my I was told...

I feel Michael kneeling in front of me "Do you love me, Charlotte?"

"Of course I do, baby..." I say giggling...

"Prove it first.."

I open my eyes and grab his face and kiss him, and yes, I felt fireworks explode inside of me, this kiss is different from any kiss me and Michael have shared...

"Wow.." Michael says as I break our innocent, loving kiss "That was...Wow.."

"I hope you mean it in a good way..." I say blushing...

"Charlotte..." He says squeezing my cheeks together "I felt fireworks explode inside of me, of course I mean it in a good way...You're the only girl that gives me kisses like that, I have never ever felt fireworks explode inside of me when a girl kissed me, you're the only one that makes me feel like this.." He says pecking my lips again..."Okay, close your eyes.."

I close my eyes, and I feel a thin, light box in my hands...What could it be?

"Open your eyes now, sweetie.." Michael says, and I can feel a smile rise up on my face...Wow, it's been so long since I actually smiled...

I take the thin box and open to find...The greatest thing I could ever get...

"Oh, Michael.." I say as I hug him tight, and tears of joy fill my eyes..."This is the greatest thing you could've had gotten me...Thank you.." I say as tears of joy roll down my cheeks, as I keep looking down at the box...

"Read the note..." Michael says as he looks at my every move...

I take out the note from the little box and read it out loud: "The day we found out we were pregnant for the first time, fireworks exploded inside of me...I was the happiest man on earth, at that very moment, I fell really hard for you, at that moment, I couldn't hide my love for you...But, the second time we found you we were pregnant, I was over the moon...I was so happy, I couldn't believe I was actually experiencing this with somebody that I actually love...I thank god every day for bringing you in my life, I swear, I don't know what I would do without you...You're the most cutest, beautiful, loving, caring girl I have ever met, and I am so proud of calling you my everything...I love you so much, Charlotte...Never forget that.."

"M-Michael..." I say covering my mouth from crying tears of joy "This is beautiful..."

What was in that box makes me smile every time I see it...It was the First Pregnancy Test I ever did, the first time I was pregnant with Sarah and Daryl, and then beside it, it was the Second Pregnancy Test I did, the one that tells me I'm pregnant right now, plus, that sweet note Michael wrote me...

Michael kisses my forehead and sets me on his lap "You're the only one that makes me happy.."

"Michael," I say as I run my hand down his curls "Why are you so sweet to me?"

"Because, you're mine, and my heart is sweet, and you own my heart...So, basically...I'm sweet to you because I love you..." Michael says kissing my cheek, feeling the hotness of the blush consume my cheek...

"Michael," I say blushing even more "How did I get so lucky?"

"What do you mean?...The thing is...How did I get so lucky to have such a beautiful wife right by my side.." He corrects me, and kisses my neck once more...

Michael lays down, with me in his I'm basically laying on top of him giggling...

"I love you so much, Do you know that?" Michael says as he runs his hands down my hair...

"Yes, Michael..I know that, and I love you too..." I say kissing his nose..

Author's Note: Well, that was really exciting to write, finally, a cute part after all this drama...Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it.

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