Chapter 84: Closer Than Close

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Cameron's Point of View

It's been a week since I lost her, why did you let this happen, Cameron? You loved her, and you still do now, but, why did you make it happen? This is all your fault.

I never meant it to happen, I thought everything was going well, until that very moment...You lost her once, now you lost her again. I don't know what I'll do without her, she was my everything, I never stopped loving her, even though she's in love with somebody else.

I don't think I can go on without her, even Chelsea and Raymond are worried. I haven't been feeling my normal self these past few days. Without her? I'm nothing, simply nothing.

The kids are at school right now, but I'm just laying in bed, crying my eyes out again. I didn't go to work today, just because I didn't feel like it. This is something that's really affecting me emotionally and mentally.

I look to my right - where my night stand is - and look at the picture of me and Charlotte, I still have this picture. This was the last picture and me and her took before she left. *sighs* I miss her so damn much.

The doorbell rings, and I sit up in bed. Who would that be? I barely get any, it's 2:00 p.m, who the hell would that be?

I rub my eyes, and start walking downstairs. I open the door, and I get the shock of my life..

"C-Charlotte?" I say, trying to pronounce my words

"Cameron..." She says, hugging me tight "T-Thank you for everything..."

I can't even react to anything right now, I'm all choked up. Part of me wants to kiss her badly, but another one wants me to hold it back..

"C-Charlotte.." I say, unable to speak "I-I thought I had lost you forever.."

"No, Cameron.." She says smiling, tears forming in her eyes "C-Cameron, Thank you so much.."

"Why are you thanking me?" I say, tears forming in my eyes. I missed her so much, I thought I lost her forever.

"Because," She says, pulling my neck closer to her lips. Then, she gives it a little kiss "You're a great person, and for being there for me...Also, for helping me with Jessica's birth, I really appreciate that.."

When she names the birth of Jessica, my whole world stopped. The flashbacks are coming back, and their hitting me right where it hurts, right there, at my weakest spot...My heart

"C-Cameron, stop crying, Please.." She says, rubbing her hand up and down my back while hugging me "I'm fine, I will not go anywhere..."

"I-I know, I know," I say, wiping away my tears. I literally hate crying in front of people, especially her. Her radiant smile, her gorgeous eyes, her beautiful hair, she is just so damn perfect. She makes me feel so weak "I just thought I lost you forever, I couldn't live with that. I love you, Charlotte, and you know it..."

"I-I love you too, Cameron" She says, smiling "But stop crying, I hate seeing you cry like this...Cameron, I-- *sighs* I know me and you have been through so much together, and even though we aren't together anymore, I still care and love you. Never forget that.."

I kiss her forehead softly "Thank you, Charlotte. You always know how to cheer me up...Umm, I was wondering...If you wanted to go to the movies with me...Chelsea and Raymond won't be home till 5:00 p.m because my parents are going to pick them up from school..."

"I would love to!" She says, giggling "Michael and the kids are at the circus right now...So, why not?"

I smile, and go into my car...I hope this will turn out alright...I hope

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