Chapter 90: Forever You and Me

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Charlotte's Point of View

*sighs* I've been staring at the ceiling for about two hours now, just thinking of every single thing that has happened over the last seven years. And, there's something I just noticed, this is the first time Michael has "kissed a girl"apart from me over the last seven years. This is actually the first time he has hurt me in our marriage, and come to think of it, I was kind of expecting it to happen. Why? Because, *sighs* I don't even know, I was just expecting it to happen.

Michael and I have a lot of history together, and I'm grateful for him, I really am. He's been so helpful, and I couldn't be any happier with him and the kids by my side, but it's going to be kind of hard to look at him in the eye like I used to do, it's going to take a while for me to trust him again.

It's 4:00 a.m, and I'm the only one here, Lindsay went to go meet up with Brian, Julian is still at work, and I'm by myself, at 4:00 a.m, and it's kind of dangerous leaving me alone right now. Who knows what'll happen? Staying alone with my thoughts? That's kind of a risk.

Well, I think I'm going to take a walk around this Cruise, I need to get out of this room! It's kind of driving me insane staying here like this. I wished my Anniversary Party with Michael would've been better, but since he kissed Crystal, or she kissed him, it kind of went downhill from there.

I don't know what I'm going to do with Michael, I don't want to tell him anything about the kiss, because I know we are going to start an argument, and I can't argue with him again, we haven't argued in a while, and that's good, plus it's Christmas time so I really don't want to argue with him right now, but...I really want to discuss things with him.

I get up, and walk towards the mirror, where my sweater hangs from a hanger. I put on my sweater, as I slowly look at myself in the mirror. Look at you, Charlotte...You look like you haven't slept in days, you look sad and tired, and you have mascara all over your eyes because you've cried so much, is this really necessary right now? Do you want to spend the rest of your life like this? Or, do you want to stand up and face him about it, before someone else does and you'll lose him forever, do you want Crystal to steal him away from you forever?

I walk into the bathroom, and wash my face to take out the leftover make up that I have on, and once I'm finished, I walk out of the room and into the darkness. I walk past a couple of rooms, and I reach Michael's room, and I shiver. I listen closely and I hear quiet sobs, is someone crying in there? It's probably just Crystal crying, or something...I should ignore it, because it's none of my business. I start to walk away, and I find myself walking really fast, I don't know why. *Sighs* I need a drink.

I walk up to the bar, and find Julian cleaning up...I sit down on the stool, and I rest my head on the table. I feel really sad right now...I can't even explain it.

"C-Charllotte?" Julian says, and I can tell he's surprised to see me like this "Is everything okay?"

I shake my head, and look up at him "Can I have a shot of Vodka, please?...Make that two shots of Vodka..."

Julian gets my two shots, and I gulp them down fast...He seems really surprised to see me drinking like this, well, sometimes you just have to get your mind off things.

"C-Charlotte, is everything okay?" Julian asks once again, it's kind of cute seeing him all worried "You drank those shots pretty fast.."

"Do you know how it feels like to get your heart broken?" I ask, and his eyes widen as soon as I ask that "Well, I have, many times. And, everything has a limit right? Well, my heart has reached that limit, Julian, and it's not pretty. My heart is so broken, and there's one specific person that can fix it, but sadly, I can't trust him right now..."

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