Chapter 67: Threatened

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Charlotte's Point of View

I don't know what to say right now, I can't believe he's here...I can already feel tears in my eyes..Ugh..

"S-Steve?.." I say disbelieving my eyes "I-I thought you were dead..."

"Girl," Steve says as he hugs me, and I swear I feel my eyes get even more teary "I'm not going anywhere without you.."

"After all this years...What happened after, you know?" I say as I look down awkwardly

"Charlotte, After what happened...I got really HeartBroken and, I decided to fake my death to see what you were gonna do, After that, I didn't know where I could find you till I talked to Lindsay and she told me where to find you.."

"Don't you know how much I've been feeling guilty because of that?" I say as I push him off me "Yes, I know what happened in the past hurt you, but you didn't have to scare me like that, I thought you really commited suicide because of what I did...I just don't know what to say anymore..."

Here is the whole thing, when I was in 8th grade, when I was single...I met Steve online, so we met and I thought he was cool and whatever...And then, he tried kissing me, I rejected it and I could see he was hurt by it, so, he decided to commit suicide, or that's what I thought...Anyways, there was this big Funeral for him, and I knew he killed myself because of what happened between us, and I felt really guilty...And now, he finally decided to tell me the damn truth, the truth that he faked his death all this time...Ugh, I swear I hate him for this...

"Honey, Who's at the door--" Michael says as he comes behind me and looks at Steve "Who the hell is this?"

"The question is, who the hell are you?" Steve says loudly...I swear, this can't be happening...

"Michael, This is Steve....My..uh...friend...Steve, this is Michael....My husband.." I say as I try to sound normal, even though I'm crying...

"Husband?" Steve says scoffing "Why didn't you tell me you were married?"

"Because, to me, you've been dead all this years..." I yell at him...

"Okay, I see how you really feel now.." Steve says as he leaves...

I go back inside and sit on the couch, and cover my face...

Michael closes the door and comes sits beside me "What was all that about?"

I feel tears rolling down my cheeks even more..."It was nothing, he is nothing..."

"Baby," Michael says as he uncovers my face "Tell me what's really going on..."

"Michael, Listen..." I sigh out "When I was in 8th grade, I met this guy online...I thought he was cool or whatever, so we met up, I could see he had this desire in his eyes, but I ignored it...Anyways, he tried kissing me, and I rejected it, I guess he got sad about it...Anyways, he committed suicide and I knew he did that because of me, I felt really guilty...And now, he comes to me saying he faked his death?...Ugh..." I say in disbelief of what really happened...

"Well," Michael says as he stands up "I guess I do learn something new everyday.." He says as he leaves, slamming the door. I swear, this can't be happening to me right now...

I feel a kick, I cry even more and rub my belly softly "I'm so sorry, honey....I don't know how sorry I am to put you through this stress..Please forgive me, I'm trying my best here, I really am, honey....But, me and you're daddy are having our hard times, one day you'll understand what I'm going through, just know, I love you so much..."

I don't know what to do, I know Michael is pissed at me, why didn't I tell him about this earlier? After I knew Steve died, I just completely forgot about him, but, after he died I started having feelings for him, until I met Michael...

This is really messed up, and is messed up badly.

*4 Hours Later*

I can't believe I've been crying for the last four hours, and Michael is still not home...I am getting really worried about him, I hate it when he leaves the house at night and when he's mad...

The front door opens, and I turn my head and see Michael, and he doesn't look so good...He's not drunk, he just looks really HeartBroken, and you could tell he has been crying a lot, and that's all my fault..

"Michael..." I say as I sigh

"Hmm?" He says, still not looking at me..

"Can we please talk?" I say as I pat the spot next to me on the couch...

He sighs and sits down beside me "What to do you want now?"

"Listen, I'm sorry about not telling you about Steve, I really am...But, I just forgot about him...Baby, I swear, I love you...Please forgive me..."

"Oh, please.." Michael says as she scoffs "Is always the same thing with you, you always say you're sorry and expect me to forgive you...To be honest, I'm getting tired of the same deal every time..."

"Wow, I didn't know you felt that way, Michael...Well, thanks for telling me. And, I've been thinking, and as much as this hurts me, I gotta say it...I think we need to get a divorce.." I say gulping, more tears rolling down my cheeks...

"Why do you think that?" Michael says as he's eyes start getting filled with tears..

"All we do it fight, I'm tired of always fighting with you, and, I don't feel connected to you anymore, Michael, accept it, me and you lost that spark we had a long time ago...We need a break, and you know it...All I do is cry and cry, I don't feel happy anymore...I just feel like I've lost my feelings for you...I'm sorry..."

Michael grabs my face and kisses me, is like a "true love's kiss", and I know he is my true love...

"Charlotte, I love you, I swear I do...But, you can't be serious right now...We both know you don't really want that divorce...You're just a little mad right now, that's all...I know you still love me...Tell me you love me, Charlotte...I want to hear it coming out of your mouth.."

I sigh and wipe my tears "I don't know if I can say that right now.."

Michael smacks his thighs and lifts me up, taking us outside...What is he doing?

"Michael, What are you doing?" I ask...

"Something..." Michael says as he starts kissing my neck, and I swear, his kisses still make my knees weak...

He lay us down on the blanket that is set up, and he kisses my lips, once, twice and then a third time...Then, he looks down at me and smiles "Do you love me?"

"Yes, Michael...I love you, I love you, I love you. I never stopped loving you, I don't think I could. It was just my emotions, they just got me all wrapped up..I'm sorry I said I wanted a divorce, I would never ever want a divorce with you...I love you, Michael..."

"I love you more, baby girl. I swear I do..."

Then, my phone starts ringing...I take it out of my pocket and look at the display...Is an unknown phone number..

"Hello?" I answer..

"I'm coming to kill you.." A voice says in an evil, secret voice..

(To Be Continued)

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