Chapter 33: HoneyMoon & The Job

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Michael's Point of View

"Baby, I am gonna go to that interview for the job...I love you" I say as I start exiting our bedroom

"Ohh, Baby...I love you too...Good Luck" Charlotte says as she gives me a kiss

I kiss her and the twins goodbye and start walking downstairs...I open the door and find my mom..

"Hey Mom...Why are you here?" I ask

"Hi Honey, I wanted to talk to Charlotte is she around?"

"Yes Mom, she is upstairs..." I look at my watch...Shit, I'm almost running late "Mom, I gotta go, I need to go to an interview for a job as a teacher for Middle School...I love you mom"

"I love you too baby, Good Luck"

I kiss her cheek and run to my car...I hope this interview goes well, Charlotte has an interview for a job as a High School teacher but she has it next week...

Charlotte's Point of View

I finish getting ready and the door to my bedroom flies open, I turn around and see Katherine...

"Hey Katherine..."

"Hey sweetie, I came to give you something...Is just a little wedding gift for you and Michael to enjoy.."

She hands me a envelope that says on the front 'For Michael and Charlotte Jackson'

I open it and I can't believe my eyes, these are 2 tickets to go to Paris, everything included...Oh My Gosh...

"Katherine- I-I don't know what to say, thank you so much" I say as I hug her tight

"This is for your HoneyMoon...I hope you enjoy it..."

"Oh my god, Kathe...Thank you, I think me and Michael would enjoy it..."

Katherine and I talk about everything, then she starts like playing with the twins and stuff...She says goodbye and then leaves...I stay alone now, I hope Michael really gets this job...because, he has been talking and talking about how he wants this job as a teacher...he really likes working with kids, and I do too....the only difference is that he wants to work as a Middle School teacher and I wanna work as a High School teacher..

"How are my babies?" I say to the twins "Are you guys hungry?"

They make baby sounds like giggling and a smile, they are just like 2 months old and they still can't talk but, they will someday...

I go downstairs with the twins and get out some baby food that they love...

*2 Hours Later*

Is 3:30 p.m and Michael is still not home, I really hope he is alright, he knows damn well that I worry about him when he is not home after long periods of time..

I take a sip from my wine glass and then the front door flies open..My baby is home

"Honey, I'm home" Michael announces

I put my wine glass down and walk towards him and kiss his jawline "Hello, Mr. Jackson"

He smiles "Baby, I-"

I cut him off "First, I gotta show you something that your mom gave me.."

We both go to the living room where I was sitting some time ago...He takes my wine glass and drinks some of it...Really?

"Your mom gave me this" I say as I hand him the envelope..

Michael's Point of View

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