Chapter 43: Not Again!

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Charlotte's Point of View

"Michael, I don't feel good..." I say as I feel another sneeze...

"Shit, Baby," Michael says as he touches my forehead "You have a strong fever...You can kiss your first day of work good bye, you are staying home today.."

"But, Michael!!"

"No buts...Now I gotta go to work, I'll be here soon...I love you"

"I love you too" I sigh

Michael leaves and I am stuck here being sick...Thank god Michael dropped off the kids at the daycare because I wouldn't be able to take care of them and me. I don't feel that sick but I think I am, because...My throat hurts, I keep coughing and sneezing.

Michael's Point of View

Charlotte is worrying me, but...I gotta concentrate on work...I'll handle her later. School already started, but..there's only 20 people, and there's supposed to be 28...They all called in sick, Gosh...No wonder Charlotte's sick too.

"Well everybody, Since today almost nobody's here...We will be doing something fun...Since everybody has been wanting to go skydiving, we are going to a little trip...I want you guys to get in a group of 10 people. Those people in your groups are the ones that will be with you the whole day...Now get ready" I announce

I hear everybody say..

"Woohoo! Mr. Jackson is the best teacher ever" or something like that...

Well, I guess we are going skydiving today...

Everybody lines up and we go into the bus so it can take us skydiving...I know when I get home and tell Charlotte I skydived, she is gonna freak the hell out..But, I've always wanted to go skydiving, So? Why not?...

*After School*

Woo...The students already left home, and I am packing up my stuff...I had fun while I was skydiving...

Charlotte's Point of View

I feel kinda better, I still feel kinda sick but at least I feel better...

I have to call Michael, I can't pick the kids up today..He will have to..

"Hello?" Michael says

"Hi Honey...Umm...How did work go?"

"Umm *nervous laughs* Good..How are you?"

"I'm good, I feel kinda sick but I'm good...Can you pick up the kids today? I still don't feel good.."

"Sure Honey, I'll pick them up..I'll see you later..I love you"

"I love you too"

I hang up and collapse on the couch...I feel tired as hell..

"Honey, I am home..." Michael announces with the twins in his hands

"Oh, Hi honey" I say, a little stuffed up "Thank you for picking up the twins"

"No problem" Michael says as he puts down the twins and feels my forehead "Well Well, Your fever has gone down..Are you feeling better?"

"Yeah I am, Kinda..."

"Umm, Baby?"

"Yes, Michael?"

He laughs nervously "I went skydiving today with my class...Hehe"


"But look, I'm not hurt and I had a fun time...Why did you scream so loud?" He asks

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