Chapter 1

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"Y/N? Y/N!" Marc rapidly knocked on the door. "Y/N, I know you're in there. I can smell Ben&Jerry's cheesecake ice cream and Rosé through the goddamn door."

You swallowed a spoonful of ice cream and washed it down with some sweet alcohol.
"Stop acting like an irresponsible child and come out so we can talk like adults." Marc's voice was muffled by the door.

You swallowed more wine along with the lump in your throat. You just wanted Marc to like you and appreciate the things you did for him. Yesterday he yelled at you for getting in his way while he was moving all the books and cleaning up Stevens new room. Then today he told you that the little dinner date you set up was stupid. It wasn't even a date. It was just dinner.

You tried so hard to make Marc like you. Steven was in love with you and Jake was... well Jake, he liked you anyway.

"Y/N! I already apologized!" He began slamming his fist harder into the door. You wiped your wet cheeks and continued to eat your ice cream.

"Y/N I swear to fucking god we need to talk! Stop making me the bad guy!"
You couldn't hold back anymore. You got out of the bathtub and stormed over to the door. "I fucking hate you." You said. Marc definitely heard it.

"You are so fucking irritating! No wonder everyone around hates you!"
Now that actually hurt. Especially because you recently had a fight with your parents and Marc knew about it from Steven.

You slapped your hand over your mouth, making sure he didn't hear your sobs, and walked over to the bathtub grabbing the Rosé. You then unlocked the door and pushed passed the steaming Marc and headed for your room. Before you could close the door Marc's hand stopped it.

"Let go," you pushed the door.
"You wanted to have dinner. Let's have dinner." It sounded more like a threat than an invitation.
"No. I don't want anything to do with you. Let Steven in." You struggled to keep the door closed.
"No you're gonna talk to me cause this is my body. Give me the bottle before you start throwing up." He finally used all his force to open the door pushing your backwards.

You stumbled and while you were catching your balance, he grabbed the bottle out of your hand.
"Hey give it ba-"
"Sit down." He pointed to the bed behind you.
You shook your head.

You looked into his infuriated eyes, holding back tears.
Suddenly you jumped for the bottle while Marc was about to speak.
"Sit-Y/N!" He grabbed your wrist. "Stop it! STOP!" His voice echoed in your apartment as he pushed you on the bed.

You held onto your wrist from the stinging sensation. You sniffed rubbing your hand.
"Ow," you whispered looking down.
There were traces of red, it didn't hurt that much obviously, but it still wasn't the best feeling.

Marc stood in front of you in shock. He really didn't mean to do that.

Next thing you heard was the sound of glass shattering against the floor. You yelped covering your face.
You heard Marc's ragged breathing, but before you could look up, you heard a voice that made relief rush through you.

"Blimey look at the new floors!" It was Steven. "Oh gosh Y/N!" He skipped over the glass and bounced onto the bed.
"Steven." You reached your arms up to him. He scooped you up and covered you in kisses, instantly making you feel better.

"You ok?" He wiped your wet cheeks.
"He didn't scare you did he?"
"A bit." You sniveled.
"Tsk, idiot he is." Steven shook his head like an unhappy mom who is disappointed with her child. "It's alright, Marc would never hurt you." Surprisingly Steven was on his side. Had to mean something right?

You nodded believing him despite what had just happened.

"How was your day, love?"
You went red and hid your face in his chest.
"Whaaat?" He chuckled, knowing that you'd always get shy when he used that nickname.

"It was like always. Oh someone spilt coffee on an old book at the library and they were fined."
"Oh gosh."
"Anyone being mean to you? Perhaps I should pay Mr.Crew a visit, he does have quite a lot in common with Donna."

You shook your head.
"Although I suppose Marc is the one being mean to you." He sighed.
"I just try so hard. Too hard even. He just doesn't like me. At all."
"I know, sunshine, but it's been hard for him too, since you know...Layla."
"But that was almost a year ago."
"Yeah, but they were married. And they've been together for a long time, feelings don't just disappear." Steven stated.

He had a valid point all things aside. But still, Marc didn't have to be so mean all the time.

"Anyway, you fancy some sushi?" He offered.
"I'd love some." You lit up.
"Alrighty then, you go take a shower and calm down yeah?" He held your face in his hand, making you look at him.

You nodded.
"I'll get the glass." He got up and held his hand out for you to hold onto while you jumped over the mess.

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