Chapter 10.3

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"This is amazing." Jake said under his breathe as he walked out of the hotel.
He took a deep breathe, inhaling the smell of wet concrete and damp air.
"New York." His eyes sparkled.
Jogging down the stairs he already began thinking about where he was going to go.

"You've got an hour, mate, I'm taking Y/N out on a date and you better not ruin it."

"Me? Ruin it? Oh shut up." Jake muttered with a smile.
His head spun round in circles as he walked down the path, drawing further away from the hotel.
Everything around him was so fast paced, to Jake, London was nothing compared to the streets of his 'home city'.
"You take Y/N out to time square yet?" Jake asked Steven as he looked up at a tall skyscraper that had a billboard on it.

"Not yet."

"Tsk not good, amigo." He tutted and continued his evening stroll.
Just like Steven, Jake noticed the yellow taxis that also reminded him of the American movies. Most of the cabs in London were black, including his.

An hour in the streets flew by without Jake even noticing until Steven spoke up.

"Alright we're going back now, it's been an hour."

"Sí, just five more minutes."

"Jake turn around!"

But he just ignored him. But who could blame him? He was so caught up in the moment that nothing was going to turn him back.


He heard Marc's voice. Turns out there was something that was going to turn him back.

"Go. Back."

"Jesus alright." He turned around. "Uh, where do I go?"
Suddenly everything looked unfamiliar, he had taken too many turns to remember.

"You dumbass."

"Ey, I just got a little carried away, you know google maps is a thing." He reached for the pockets of his jeans and then paused.
He then patted all the pockets in his jacket.
"Steven? Where's the phone?"
No reply.
"Steven." He growled still searching for the phone in hopes to find it.
"Fuck." His hands dropped.


Jake scanned the setting. Instinct still works right? Right, so just gotta use muscle memory or whatever.
His first 100 steps were confident,the rest not so much.
Thirty minutes passed and he still didn't know where he was.
"Does anyone wanna help me out?" He whispered.

"Ask someone for directions idiot."

"Yeah good idea, why don't you do it." And with that Jake, was no longer Jake.
"Gotta get used yo you constantly dipping I guess." Marc mumbled walking up to a man who was smoking next to a cafe, clearly on his break.
"Excuse me, could you please direct me to the nearest hotel?"
The man slowly looked up and took a hit.
"Uh, sure."
Marc winced as the smoke got to his face, stinging his eyes.
The man got off the wall and stepped forward towards the path.
"So your gonna go all the way down and then take a right, after that you're gonna see like an antique shop, I think, and then two lefts and you should see some huge building that I think is the hotel you're looking for."
Marc blinked with his eyebrows furrowed.
"Thank you." He said as he left.

"You get any of that?"

"Yes." He breathed keeping as calm as he could.


"No fucking way." Marc groaned as he found himself in front of the hotel stairs.
He made his was up feeling worn out as hell after that long walk back.

When he got back he made sure to be extra quiet just in case you were awake, he wasn't really good at faking a British accent.
He placed his shoes next to yours and took off his jacket, along with the hoodie he was wearing. He tiptoed to the bedroom only to find you still asleep.
"No way," he chuckled to himself.

"Cmon wake her up, Marc."

"Oh give me a break Steven." He walked over to the bed and slowly laid down next to you, making sure not to move the bed too much.
"Just twenty minutes." He sighed closing his eyes.

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