Chapter 3.2

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...You had just hit play to your favorite tv show when you saw Jake leaning on the door frame with his arms crossed.

"Jake?" You squinted, trying to see his face in the dim light of the hallway.
"Nope." The accent was enough for you to understand. You sat up in panic.

"Oh don't bother." He shrugged. "Didn't bother showing up."
He cut you off by leaving.
You groaned rushing after him.

"Marc, I'm sorry."
"Sure you are."
"Stop blaming all of this on me! We had an argument, what did you expect me to do? Just show up?" You stopped him by grabbing his wrist.

"You could've at least cancelled. Instead you just left me there." He looked you in the eyes. He was disappointed, sad and mad, all at once.

"You're always the first one to tell me what's wrong with our relationship, but when I try and do something it all goes to waste!"
"Well I'm sorry I ended up with a person who has three different personalities and it's so hard to please one of them." You scoffed.

"I've got two others and besides, imagine how fucked up you have to be to actually stay after finding that out."

You let go of his wrist.

"Well I'm the only person who will! Others will end up just like Layla." You scowled.
Marc's mouth dropped open, but your insult didn't stop him from throwing in his.
"Yeah but despite that, you'll still never be as good as her. No matter how much you try."

Next thing Marc felt was facing sideways and a stinging sensation along the line of his cheekbone.

He closed his eyes clenching his jaw.
You watched in alarm as he slowly turned his neck, back to you.

When he opened his eyes you saw fury and hatred running through them, possibly a tint of misery, but it looked more like disappointment above all.

He visibly swallowed, causing you to do the same.

"I'm sorry." Your voice was almost soundless "Marc I didn't mean too."

You saw a crimson line run down his face.
Muffling your gasp with one hand you looked down at the other.

Your ring.

Marc furrowed his eyebrows and then raised his hand up to his face, as his fingertips touched the sensitive skin, he let out a low hiss making you wince.

You felt tears building up, threatening to fall. Before you could say anything else, Marc turned around and walked to his room, slamming the door and locking it.

For about five minutes you stood there flabbergasted, processing what had just happened.

You knew you had to go back and apologize properly, either way, sooner or later you'd have to take some action.

Back in his room Marc sat on the edge of his bed, emotionlessly staring into the mirror.

Obviously this cut was nothing compared to what he had experienced earlier while working for Khonshu on his missions, but the pain he was feeling emotionally was a lot worse and he'd definitely give the preference to being stabbed inside and out to whatever that was happening right now.

Unlike you, Marc wasn't entirely alone at the present moment.

"Oh mate what was that?"
Marc looked up seeing Steven looking back at him.

"No bueno."
He turned his head back seeing Jake shaking his head in another mirror that was on his night stand.

"She's the one that hit me!" He exclaimed.
"You should go check on her."
"Sí, sí." Jake agreed with Steven.
"Are you guys kidding me right now? I'm the one whose bleeding!"

"Aye amigo. I let you take control not to create drama and make her cry, she slapped you because you couldn't keep your mouth shut."
"She insulted me first!"
"Oye!" Jake whistled. "¡Nunca le faltes al respeto a una mujer solo porque ella te faltó el respeto a ti primero!" He started sounding like a Spanish mom who was swearing at her child.

"Yes to whatever he said and additionally, I'd like to know what you expected to happen after you just walked into her room and dramatically walked out." Steven stated.

"She left me at the very date that she wanted so bad! And it's my fault?"
"No one's saying that it's your fault, you've both done enough to each other, but why would you compare her to Layla, Marc?"
"Because she's the one who mentioned her first?" Marc explained what he thought was obvious.

"Aye but what she said was pure facts, hermano. If even Layla, the woman who you thought was going to be forever with you, left after finding out how weird you are, chances are that you're not going to find another woman who'd be willing to love all three of us."

"It's true, Marc." Steven said softly. "She loves you too."
Marc wasn't sure what to say at this point.
His thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door.

"No lo jodas, amigo." Jake added, before both he and Steven disappeared.

Marc got up and walked over to the door, unlocking it.
You stood in front of him holding up a plaster and ice pack.
"We need to talk." You blinked.

He sighed letting you inside.

"No bueno"- not good
"¡Nunca le faltes al respeto a una mujer solo porque ella te faltó el respeto a ti primero!" -Dont ever fucking disrespect a woman just because she disrespected you first
"hermano"- brother
"no lo jodas"- dont fuck it up

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