Chapter 10.2

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"Thank you for choosing us, we hope you enjoyed the tour and all the fantastic views that New York City has to offer on water. Please watch your step as you get off, thank you."

"That was wicked. I never thought I'd get to see any of that."
"Yeah." You agreed, completely zoned out because you were still thinking about the kiss you two just shared.

"I think we should grab a bite before we head to the museum. Fancy a sandwich?"
You didn't hear him.
"You alright, love?" He nudged you on the shoulder.
"Hm? Yes, yes."
"Yes what?"
"Um, to whatever you said?" You smiled.
Steven didn't react.
"Sorry I just got lost in thought, you were saying?"

"You hungry?"
"Yes, absolutely."
You nodded.

After having a sandwich each and a cup of, not so bad, tea, Steven ordered an Uber to get you to the American Museum.

It was around 4pm and the sky was beginning to take on a darker hue.

You folded up the collar of your coat as you and Steven left the cafe, heading towards the road where your taxi was waiting for you.

"Oh my gosh, look it's yellow!"
"Yep." You nodded "I see."
"That's so cool, just like in the movies."
"Alright Steven get in." You rolled your eyes.
"American Museum right?" The driver asked.
"Correct." Steven answered.

Fast forward to the museum, where you dragged yourself after Steven, who was constantly hopping from one thing to the next, for the past two hours.

It was only 6pm in New York, but it was already 12am in London, which meant that usually you were already asleep.

Despite you being worn out almost entirely, every time Steven turned around to tell you something or ask you if you were tired yet, you'd always respond energetically and enthusiastically.

You were not about to ruin his happiness.

"Oh wow look at this." Steven referred to the huge dinosaur skeleton.
"That is impressive," you commented, taking a photo.

On the way out Steven got himself a small figure of the museum as a souvenir for when you got back, and you got a magnet because your new fridge looked a bit naked compared to your old one.

"Where to now?" Steven asked as you walked down the stairs from the museum.
"Do you not feel tired? Just a little bit?"
He blinked. "I dunno. I guess I'm always tired that's why it's like I'm never tired."
"That makes sense. You sleep like you're dead."
"What?" He laughed.
"Nothing, um we should go back to the hotel because I'm about to pass out."
"Oh yes of course. Let me just order a-"
"I already did that. He's right there, please let's hurry up." You took him by the arm and hurried to the car.

It was a 40 minute drive and the rocking of the vehicle really seduced you into falling asleep.

Your breaking point was when Steven put his arm around you. He was so warm and comfortable you fell asleep almost straight away.


"Sweetheart," you felt a slight shake.
"Y/N, we're here."

You blinked, eyes adjusting to the surroundings. Steven helped you out of the taxi and got you up to your room. It was already dark outside.

"Cmere," he carefully took your coat off.
"Thank you." You smiled with your eyes half open. Next thing he did was kneel down, you thought he was undoing his laces when you heard the zip of your boots.

"Steven! What are you doing?"
"I'm just helping you-"
"What is wrong with you, get up you moron." You pulled him up.

You felt yourself go red.
"I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."
"It's ok." You paused. "You're crazy." You ended up just laughing. "Why would you do that?" You breathed.

You took off your shoes and tossed them in the corner. "Steven I don't deserve you."
You kissed his cheek. "But never do that again."

He lifted his hands up in defense.
"You just looked tired..."

As quickly as you could, you took off your sweater and threw on a shirt.

Not wasting another second you took off your jeans and climbed into bed.

"Steven wake me up in two hours please!" You called out.
"Will do! I'm gonna go take a gander round here!"

You hummed in response already pretty much asleep.

He left quietly, taking the spare hotel key card with him.

As soon as the door closed Steven sighed.
"Alright Jake. You're in."

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