Chapter 6.2

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It didn't take you long to want tea.

Thanks to Steven you couldn't live a day without drinking at least two cups.

You changed into more comfortable clothes and tied your hair up in a bun before leaving.

You went to the bathroom to wash your face and after that you finally got to the kitchen.

While drinking you couldn't stop thinking about your encounter with Marc earlier, or rather the way he acted during it.

He didn't pressure you in any way to tell him what had happened and why you were upset, he just made you tea. Which sounds funny, but that's exactly what you needed.

Speaking of Marc (or thinking), he just walked into the kitchen to get something by the looks of it and noticed you.

"Is it good?"
You nodded while sipping the hot tea.
"Steven helped."
You grinned "It's very good thank you."
"Yeah," he stared at you in thought.

You blinked not knowing what to do under his gaze.

"I-Uh, would you like anything else?"
"No it's ok, Marc, thank you." You gave him smile.

He nodded. "If you need anything I'll be in my room." He pointed behind him and then left awkwardly.

In reality Marc himself was a bit worried. He wasn't really the best supporter when people got upset, he just did what he wanted people to do with him when he was feeling 'not aces'.

And that is exactly what you had managed to figure out while drinking your tea.

You realized that every time the two of you had a fight you would always get mad at him for not telling you anything. Maybe if you stopped pressuring him into talking about the things that were bothering him, eventually he'll be willing to talk about them himself.

Basically Jake was right.

You had to leave him be and he'd come around himself.

You put your cup away and left to your room. When you picked up your phone you noticed a very unusual text.

'Willow Y/L/N'

Your mouth dropped open in astonishment.

Your older sister.

The very successful young Instagram mom who's got the support of thousands of other moms across the fucking globe.

Mom's pride and happiness.

You hesitantly swiped open the message.

Hey Y/N.
It's me Willow :)))
I'm sure you've heard about dad, it's such a tragedy. So I was thinking the other day, we should totally have a family gathering! Wouldn't that be fun?
Obviously I'm a very busy woman, BUT I'd totally be able to make it to New York for Thanksgiving. I'm sure you'll make it either way. I haven't told mom yet, but if you're down for it text me asap.
Ps. I can't wait for Javier to meet Steven!!!

"Oh my days." You felt like fainting.

There were a few things wrong with this.

First things first, the PS. ADAM MEET STEVEN!?

The Calvin Klein wannabe model from Spain who talks like an aristocrat!? No fucking way you were going to put Steven through that.

Secondly, 'I'm sure you'll make it either way', what the hell was that supposed to mean?

And lastly, you couldn't believe that she was busy for dad. You were ready to fly to NY like tomorrow.

"Knock, knock." Your door opened. You looked up seeing Marc.

"Can I come in? Why are you so pale?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

You swallowed "I-Uh," you glanced down at your phone and switched it off putting it behind you.
"Um I just," you began sweating like an insane person.

"Are you sick?" Marc sat down in front of you and put his hand on your head.

You were startled by the contact and all your thoughts jumbled up into one.

"N-no I'm fine. Did something happen?"
"I was gonna ask if you wanna see Steven. You were upset earlier maybe yo-"
"NO!" You said rather impulsively.
"O-ok," Marc looked scared.
"Can he hear us?" You definitely sounded like an insane person.

"I-Uh-I don't know. No?" He looked around lost.
"I'm so sorry." You put your hand over your face. "I just, god I don't know what's happening." You chuckled nervously.

"It's ok. I can bring Jake in if you want."
You looked at him from under your hand.
"Why do you always want Steven or Jake to come in when we're talking?" You asked this purely because you thought that things between you and Marc were so bad that he didn't want to talk with you at all.

"I don't want to." He said it like it was supposed to be obvious "I just feel like it's better for you. We don't exactly have the best relationship."

You took a minute to process that.

How were you supposed to get along with him if he always thought that it'd be better for him to disappear.

"Anyway, do you want more tea? Or maybe coffee? Because I still feel like your upset. Just a different upset." He blinked.

You shook your head "We need to talk..."

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