Chapter 5

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"I'm home!" You called out as you closed the door and threw your shoes off.


You heard the faint sound of the tv coming from the small living room.

Entering, you noticed a baseball game playing and black gloves with a cap next to them on the newspaper table.

You smiled leaning over the couch and seeing Jake asleep, still in his leather jacket.

You moved a bundle of curls out of his face.
"Veo que estás de vuelta." He groaned in a sleepy voice.
"Jake, I'm not that good at Spanish." You brushed through his hair.

"Mira. Tú. Hogar." He smiled with his eyes still closed.
"Yes, I'm home and I am starving." You finally took your hand off his head, but before you could leave to the kitchen he caught your sleeve and pulled you back.

"Quédate." He said in a lazy tone.
He put your hand back on his head.
"Jaaake," you chuckled fluffing his hair, he just gave you a sly smile in response.

"Come here." He tried to pull you over the couch.
"Jake-NO!" He quickly sat up and in a smooth motion flipped you over the, not so high, backrest of the couch.

"I'm going to squish you."
He shook his head hugging, hiding his face in your hair.

"Cómo estás?" You tried out your Spanish.
"Tu español es tan bueno!"
Jake laughed. He thought it was adorable when you tried to speak Spanish, especially when you answered yes to everything he said.

"I'm good. Just tired. Same as you I suppose?"
You gave a lazy hum in response.
"Your so warm and cozy I might just fall asleep on you."

"Go ahead, but you have to eat first." He drew smiley faces on your back.

"No," you groaned "I'm too lazy."
"No, tienes que comer."
"Later or tomorrow, if I don't fall asleep right this instant." You yawned.

"No bueno, no bueno." He sat up making you sit up with him.
"Nooo." You whined. "You made me this comfortable."

"You have to eat, hermosa. Come I'll make you something." He moved you off of him and slid to the kitchen. No literally. Your new floors were so slippery it was like an ice skating rink when you were wearing socks .

You watched him with hearts in your eyes. He was such a Spanish mom, you loved it.

After feeding you, you both changed and got cozy in your room.

Jake had his arm around you in a very protective, but also caring way and you had your hand on his chest.

"You asleep?" You whispered.
"That's a shame."
"Why were you going to suggest something?." You could hear the smirk in his voice.

"Jake," you smiled giving him a playful shove.
"No, I was gonna ask about Marc."
"Oh Dios mío, mi amor, you worry too much about him." Jake shook his head.

"Of course I'm worried. Steven said that he's waiting for me to talk to him. Im beginning to think I should the next time he comes around."
"I told you, stop running after him. That guy needs to understand that you have value."

"You sound jealous." You smiled.
"No estoy celoso. Te amo y quiero que seas tratado de la manera correcta."

"From that I only understood 'I love you' and 'correct'. Im guessing you said that you're not jealous in there somewhere."

"Sí," Jake chuckled "You know me too well."
"And I te amo you too. Come here I'm gonna give you a beso."

You looked up at him and pulled his face down towards yours.
Jake melted into your touch as the two of you shared a breathe.

You two rarely kissed, but when you did, you'd always ask yourself why did you do it so rarely?

His hand slid up your back towards your neck lightly pulling you in closer and deepening the kiss. Your hand couldn't keep still either and travelled up to his ebony spirals. He let out a soft moan against you, making you shudder.

You quickly tore your lips off his.

"¿Qué?" Jake blinked in the dark.
"Now?" You raised your eyebrows.
"Yes now. Shut up and let me kiss you."

Before you could say anything you felt his lips back on yours. Despite Jakes rough character and Stevens crazy stories, he was a gentle lover.

You didn't know what he did out of home and to be honest you didn't want to know.

His kisses were always passionate but soft, tender and caring. He kissed you like you wanted to be kissed, it was like he could read your thoughts, planning out his every move, every breathe, every touch.

Shifting from the corner of your mouth to the center, worshipping you because that's what you deserved.

Jake loved having someone to himself, well almost, but he didn't really think of Marc and Steven as competition.

He just wanted you to know that he'd always be with you, always yours.

Despite Steven and Jake having the same body their touch was so different.
Steven was shy, his kisses always felt like they were surfaced. That wasn't a bad thing of course, but sometimes you wanted something a bit different, impassioned and affectionate.

Your hand unconsciously slipped under his shirt catching Jakes attention.
"You.Sure? Steven. Won't. Mind. Right?" He slipped words in between haste kisses.

"Él estará bien," you breathed pulling the covers over the two of you.

"Veo que estás de vuelta"- I see you're back
"Mira. Tú. Hogar."- Look. You. Home.
"Quédate.."- Stay
"Cómo estás"- How are you
"Dios mío"- Oh my god
"mi amor"- my love
"No estoy celoso. Te amo y quiero que seas tratado de la manera correcta."-I'm not jealous. I love you and want you to be treated the right way.
"te amo"- I love you
"Él estará bien"-He'll be fine

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