Chapter 11.2

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"Fuck." Your eyes widened. "Uh,I, Jesus," you did not expect your sister to arrive so unexpectedly.

"I'm gonna go greet her, you calm down, please, the bathrooms on the left."

You flew out of your room and jogged down the stairs.

"Y/N!" Willow cheered.
"Willow." You tried to sound as enthusiastic as you could. She embraced you into a bone crushing hug.

"I've missed you so much little one!"
"I've missed you too, hey where's Javier?" You asked as she finally let you breathe.

"He's getting Mason out of the car, they'll be here in a second don't worry."
"Willow!" You heard your dad call out.
"Dad!" She hurried to take off her shoes and coat.

While Willow was with dad you looked out the window seeing Javier pushing a baby stroller. You stifled a laugh, father life really suited him.

And there was Steven walking down the stairs, looking like nothing happened.

Which was good.

Of course your sister noticed him.

"You must be Steven!" She beamed.
"Nice to meet you, Willow." He gave her a greeting smile but she pulled him in an embrace.

Poor Steven, you turned away to not cringe at whatever was happening.

"Hola everyone!" Javier walked in. "How's you doing?" He parked Masons stroller.
"Hi," you waved.
"Oh Y/N so good to see you!" He smiled, teeth a blinding white color.

You walked over to him to say hi to Mason, but before you could say a word, just like his wife, Javier pulled you into a hug almost lifting you off the floor.

"Hi again buddy." You struggled to speak.
"How is London? Good eh?"
You nodded.
"Javier come meet Steven." Willow was almost dragging Steven behind her.
Even dad laughed in the background.

"Oh hello, amigo!"
Javier was about half a head taller than Steven, which doesn't seem that much when you say it, but he was, definitely, significantly bigger than him.

Steven received a rather painful pat on the back and then another tight hug.

"Oh you must meet Mason!" Javier let him go.
"I'd love to," Steven smiled.
"Ladies! Come help me with the plates!" You heard your mom.

You and Willow made your way to the kitchen, leaving Steven alone with Mason and Javier.

"Oh my gosh aren't you a handsome lad?"
Mason laughed hiding behind his little hands.
"My names Steven."
Mason just laughed in response.

"He does speak right?" Steven looked up at Javier.
"Of course. I think your accent is funny, that's why he laugh."
"Oh." Steven looked back at Mason.

In the meantime there was girl talk in the kitchen.

"Javier changed so much." You said adding salad dressing to the greens in a bowl.

"He stopped modeling, he's always with Mason, literally."
"That's great."
"I guess, but we stopped talking like we did before." Willow didn't like it when she wasn't in the center of attention, that's why Javier not talking to her, even because of her child, irritated her.

"But other than that everything's the same."

Nothing was the same.

"What about Steven?" Willow changed the subject "How'd you end up with such a shy guy?"

"Oh Willow, you know there's a difference between shy and sweet." Your mom nudged her with her hip.

You chuckled.
"Stevens so different compared to everyone else."
"We all say that when we fall in love."

No he was actually different.

"I guess." You shrugged.
"You guys moved in together right?"

Oh god, you did.

"Uh, yes, just a couple of months ago."
"So how's that been for you guys?"
"Chaotic." You said honestly.
Your mom and Willow just laughed.

"Exactly what I thought when me and Jav moved in together."
"Yeah," you breathed.

"Right you hold this and you hold this." Your mom handed Willow a tray and you a bowl.

"Turkeys almost ready."

As you carried out the salad you searched for Steven.

Javier was at the table on his phone.

Where was Steven? And Mason for the matter.

As you walked back to the kitchen, you saw Steven and Mason on the living room couch.

You slowly tip toed towards them
hearing a fragment of their conversation.

Steven was talking about Egyptian pyramids while Mason listened very carefully, eyes wide and mouth open.

You smiled at Mason's priceless expression.
Steven was always good with kids.

He never treated them like kids, he was always so genuine with them.
You were staring at the scene with hearts in your eyes.

"He's really good." You turned around seeing Javier behind you.
"Yeah," you whispered "Steven loves 'em."

"He is going to be good father." You felt Javier's hand on your shoulder and instantly furrowed your eyebrows, but chose not to react too openly.

All of a sudden Mason noticed his dad and sprang up, excited to tell him what he just found out.
"Papa!" Mason waddled over to Javier "Did you know that the stones weigh more than an elephant!"
Javier lifted him up "What stones?"
"The pyramid one's."

You peered at Steven with a simper. He shrugged giving you a smile.

"Right let's go see tu abuelo ey?" You watched Javier carry Mason over to dad.
"Smart lad he is." Steven said walking up to you.

"Javier said you'd be a good dad." You declared, not taking your eyes of your father talking to his grandson.

"Yes." You sighed.

Steven watched you go back to the kitchen.

Him, a good dad, said by a dad.
Another smile crawled onto his face.

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