Chapter 3.1

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A couple of hours later you and Steven went to bed.

In the morning Jake made you breakfast before he left, Steven left a couple of books on your desk with a note, kindly asking you to take them back to the library and,the thing that got you most excited, was Marc's text.

In it he said that he would  like to take you out for dinner. He didn't know when, possibly when you were on a break. You yourself didn't know when you'd be free and willing to get yourself ready for a date with Marc, but him thinking about spending time with you made you feel pretty good.

Weeks went by and by then you had already forgotten about Marc's text. Of course not everything was going as smoothly as you wanted it to, sometimes Marc would come home and not talk at all.

It really wasn't that big of a secret that he couldn't talk properly about his feelings. So with him you always had to play the guessing game, which got quite annoying.

Looking over to the current situation you had a big problem. Well, for you it was a big problem.

To make a very, very long story short, Marc finally invited you to that date about a week ago, but the thing is, you got into a fight about something stupid and you weren't talking.

To be frank, the last time you actually had an encounter with him was like three days ago. It was just mostly Steven and Jake that you hung out with when they were home.

Anyway, that date, that's today.
It was 8:09.
The date was set for 7:00.

The reason for your anxiety was uncertainty. Uncertainty of wether Marc was mad at you and cancelled the date, or if he was sitting there all alone, waiting for you.

You finally picked up your phone and checked your messages.


You were terrified.

If the date was still on, despite your argument, Marc was going to be furious.

Your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the front door opening.

You froze in fear.

Was it Steven? Possibly Jake? Or Marc?
You held your breathe, trying to figure out who it was by their footsteps (you were quite good at that actually), but this time worry had taken over you completely and you couldn't focus.

There was only one thing left to do. Go and see for yourself.

You tiptoed to the kitchen.
Bummer. Steven or Marc or Jake was or were facing backwards. Unfortunately, posture wasn't enough.

You swallowed. "Marc?"
"Estas equivocada." Jake turned around. You let out a sigh. Probably of relief.
He had a cup of water in his hand. You noticed that he was wearing something that resembled a suit, but had a messy touch to it. Very Marc.

"You okay?" You looked at him.
He finished the glass and put it in the sink.
"I'm fine, mi vida, but what happened with Marc aye?" He walked over to you.

You looked down at the floor, feeling as guilty as ever.

"Dime." He said softly putting his hands on your shoulders.
You looked up at him. "I feel really bad. I just...ugh fuck." You dropped your head down. "We were supposed to meet up today, but we had an argument and I totally forgot."
He tutted shaking his head.
"You guys goin up and down again?"
You nodded.

"Está bien, mi amor. Está bien." He rubbed your arm.
"I don't think he'll forgive me."
"Yeah he probably won't."
"¡Yo sólo estoy bromeando!" He chuckled hugging you, squishing your face into his chest. You rolled your eyes hugging him back.

"He can't stay mad at you, hermosa." He brushed his hand through your hair.
"What's that?"
"What does that mean?"
"What? Hermosa?"
"Means beautiful."
You smiled. "That's nice."

"Sí. I'm gonna go take a shower." He paused "For Marc."
He planted a kiss on the top of your head.
"I'll be..." you watched him walk away "In my room." You sighed.

You switched off all the lights and left to your room. Since it was your break you didn't have anything to wake up to tomorrow. You poured yourself some tea and switched on your lap top...

"Estas equivocada"- you are wrong
"Mi vida"- my life
"Dime"- tell me
"¡Yo sólo estoy bromeando!"- Im just joking

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