Chapter 11.1

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You woke up to the sound of your alarm going off.

Few seconds later, you reached for the newspaper table turning it off.

Today was thanksgiving, which meant you were seeing your mom and dad today.

You sat up from the couch and stretched, yawning.

The thing was, that yesterday you had an extra long depression session in the huge bathtub with lots of foam and bubbles.

You only finished at about midnight and when you finally left the bathroom, you found Marc or Steven or, probably not, Jake asleep on the bed.

You took your pillow and pulled out the extra blankets out of the hotel cupboard and went to sleep on the couch.

Usually, it was the other way around, but you were a fucked up couple after all.

You got up walking to the bedroom.

Marc was still asleep.

Despite you wanting to murder him this instant, in his sleep, you shook him awake.

"Marc!" You said in a rough tone.

He opened his eyes sitting up and blinking himself awake.

"We're gonna make a deal. Right now, you're gonna get dressed up in the suit I packed, you're gonna do your hair and all that. You're then gonna bring Steven out and we're gonna go to my parents' house, pretending that we're happy. After we get back here, we're going to go separate ways and never bother eachother again."

"What?" Marc was confused because he just woke up and he already had a lot of information to process.

"We've got an hour." You said, leaving him with his thoughts, while you went to search for the dress that you got.

In roughly the time given, both of you were ready to go.

Marc was buttoning the cuffs on his fresh black suit, while you put on your heels.

You were wearing a black knee length shoulder less dress.

Before leaving you put on a reefer coat and Marc put on his duffle coat that Jake bought some time ago.

You got to the taxi without saying a word.
Actually the whole trip was silent, except the last few minutes.

Marc decided to put Steven through which was a very very not good thing.

"Y/N?" You felt his eyes on you.
"Steven." You didn't want to turn around for obvious reasons, Stevens sad face makes a grown man cry.

"I'm sorry." He whispered.
"You didn't do anything Steven. You have nothing to apologize for." You said in a tranquil voice.

"We aren't actually... 'going separate ways' right?" He quoted.
"Steven nows not the time. We're about to meet my parents." You almost begged.

He swallowed turning to face the front.

You closed your eyes seeing the driver pull up to the house and let out a sharp breathe.


Everything is absolutely fine.

You paid the driver and rang the bell on the front gate of the house.

"Y/N I-" Steven was interrupted by intense barking.
"Charlie!" You called out and then whistled.

A big Saint Bernard jogged over towards the gate and continued barking.

"Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy!" You cooed.

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