Chapter 2

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Some time later both of you were in the living room eating sushi and enjoying each others company.

You had dumb conversations along the way, like are all ladybugs female? Or how do advertising companies sell their adverts.

The evening quickly turned from a disaster to a blessing with Steven around.

Noticing that you had fully recovered from the accident earlier, Steven decided to ask you "Y/N, I know that you don't want to talk about it, but what would you want to say to Marc about what happened earlier?"
"I don't want to talk about it." You mumbled.

"Y/N," Steven's tone portrayed interest and curiosity.
"Um. I dunno." You played with a depressed sushi that was on your plate. "I just want him to like me, that's all. I guess I would ask why does he hate me so much, and after I'm done with my childish questions, as he says, I'd ask what I'm supposed to do to make him like me."

You were expecting a response from Steven. But after dead silence you looked up at him.

Marc's stone gaze met you.
"Marc." You swallowed.
"Y/N we need to talk." You could tell he was trying his best to act calm, he didn't want to scare you. Again.
"Can I have Steven back?"
His eyebrows knitted in downcast.
You felt bad for saying that, the way he looked at you made you feel guilty. All you could do was apologize without particular reason.

"Sorry." Your voice was in between a mumble and a whisper.
"Y/N I don't want to fight. I just want to apologize, and I want to let you know that you don't have to do anything to make me like you, I already like you. It's just that I don't know what I'm feeling yet, you've known Steven for years, but that's not me. I just feel like you might be confused."

The sushi, that you were tossing around on your plate, was holding on for dear life. After it finally fell apart you cleared your throat and looked up at Marc.

"Do you miss her?"
"Do you miss her?" You repeated.
Marc knew you were referring to Layla "Yes. I do." He was hesitant.
"I'm sorry it had to happen like that. I really feel like the reason of your indifference towards me is because it's my fault." You meant every word you said.

"Well, it was like that at first. But it didn't take me long to realize that it really depends on the person and not the situation. I'm almost certain that if the same were to happen with you and Steven, you'd chose to stay."

You nodded. "I would."

"But I don't think it's your fault. I promise. After all I did send her the divorce papers before, and she signed them first..."

You wanted to hold his hand that was on the table, but you got too scared. As he said earlier, Marc wasn't Steven, one is entirely different from the other.

"All I ask is to be patient."
He paused.
"And I'm sorry for calling you childish and all that. Innocence and imagination is better than sin and genuine. It's a good thing to have nowadays."
That made you smile a little.

"Anyway, I'm not gonna distract you from your dinner date anymore. Steven says that you smiling means that you forgive me."
You chuckled "Yes. I do forgive you."

He gave you a gentle smile (a very non Marc smile) and closed his eyes.

When he opened them Steven's greeted you. He had a calm expression on his face.
"See? A little more and you guys will be best friends."

You couldn't exactly tell if he was serious or not.

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