Chapter 9.3

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"Ladies and gentlemen, American Airlines welcome you to New York. The local time is 10:24am. For your safety and the safety of those around you, please remain seated with your seat belt fastened and keep the aisles clear until we are parked at the gate."

"Steven." You whispered. "Steven." You shook him. "Steven Grant!"

"What? Yes? I'm awake." He sprang up right.
"We're here, stupid." You laughed at his reaction.

He turned to look at you with not so happy eyes.

"Sorry." You cleared your throat. "We're here."
He looked out the window. "Looks quite chilly yeah?"
"Yeah but I've got your jacket in my bag." You sang.
"That's great." He sighed slumping back into his seat and closing his eyes.

Some time later you were already outside with your luggage and searching for a taxi that would get you to your hotel.

"It is very chilly." Steven zipped up his jacket all the way to his chin.
"I got one." You waved into the distance.

The driver helped you load the luggage and in about an hour you got to the hotel.

Absolutely exhausted.

"Thank you." You paid the driver.
"I should've-"
"Steven relax. Cmon I'm exited to see the hotel that you chose."
"A-alright." He followed you.

As the automatic glass doors opened so did your mouth.

Your face showed utter shock, you didn't know if you wanted to laugh or cry from how expensive and extremely elegant everything looked.

The thing was that you thought that you split the price of everything with Steven in half the tickets, hotel, but clearly you were wrong.

After a few more seconds of awe you turned to Steven.
"How did you afford this?"
"Uuuhh, I work?" He forced a grin.
"At a museum Steven. Did you rob a bank?"
"Unless Jake actually did, I know nothing about it."
"So it was his idea?"
"Yeah totally."

Your expression suddenly changed and Steven caught that quite quickly.
"He he wanted to apologize."
"For what?"
Steven didn't have an answer. "For Marc?"


"This was supposed to be a totally normal flight to New York. This city is already expensive-"
"So is London."

You raised an eyebrow.

"Sort of-Anyway look, it was a last minute decision to change the hotel. After you said that you didn't want Marc or Jake on this trip at all, Jake decided to organize something."
"Something what?"
"Something that was supposed to be a secret. Bollocks. He's gonna throw me off Empire State."

"Jesus I asked for normal," you whispered aggressively.
"Sweetness, you can't blame him he's in love with you, and you just told him to not show up for the whole trip."

You felt a bit guilty. "Yeah ok you're right I should just be grateful ."
"He just wants you to be happy. You do like it right?"
"Obviously." You smiled slightly.


"This is your room Mr and Mrs Lockley. Our bill boy will be up in just a second."

"This is absolutely mind blowing."

"You know Mrs.Grant sounds a lot better."

So does Spector.

"Oh wow there's a room inside a room." You flung open a door revealing a big clean white bed.

Steven peeped in after you.

"Oh look." You gasped sarcastically "Another room in a room that's in a room."
Steven chuckled following you.

That other room lead to the bathroom.
And that was the best part.




"I am definitely dreaming." You slowly stepped inside.

Instead of a wall against the wide bathtub there was window.

A very very very large window.

Imagine having se-
"Wow, the view is really something innit?"
You cleared your throat.
"I think I'll be sleeping in the bath tub." Steven was just about as surprised as you were. Just then you heard a knock on the door.

"It's probably the um,"
"Bill boy."
"Yep. I'll go get the door." Steven left you alone in the royal bathroom.

Despite you being over the moon about the hotel, you couldn't help but think how Jake of all people could afford everything.

And since you thought of Jake,  you instantly thought of Marc resulting in the memory of the night before you left for your trip.

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