Chapter 10.1

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The time difference really wasn't the best thing. You were awake at 6am and already on your feet, unpacking your clothes and other things you took with you, while Steven was snoring on the bed.

He woke up only in two hours looking like a hedgehog.

You chuckled seeing his facial expression, it was really something. One eye closed, the other one barely open. His hair was all over the place.

"What?" He said in his accent making everything 10 times funnier.
"Nothing, you just look very handsome in the morning." You struggled to speak properly.

He hummed, face planting the bed.
"What time is it?"
"Do you want London or New York?"
"Well its 8:21am where we are, and its 1pm in London."
"Blimey." He strained getting up and waddling over to the bathroom.

You watched from the floor, where your suitcase was, holding back tears.

After Steven showered you ordered breakfast and discussed what you want to do for the day.

"Time square obviously." Steven chewed.
"Obviously." You copied.
"I'd love to take a boat tour on New York Bay, I've read that that's where the best view of the Statue of Liberty is."
"That sounds fun." You took a gulp of tea.

"I'd also like to take you out on a date."
You looked up from your plate seeing his grinning face.

"Haven't had those in a while. Where we going?"
"You didn't say yes yet."
"Steven, obviously its a yes." You chuckled.
"Central Park. Boats. Late evening."
"Romantic you are."
He shrugged blushing.

"Won't it be cold though? Plus the water, it's always cold."
"That's what the blankets are for." The smile just didn't leave his face.

"What blankets? You bought blankets?"
"Before the trip, yeah I was planning this for a while."
"Oh that's so sweet." You put your hand on your chest, just in case your heart jumped out.

"I also want to see the American Museum of Natural History."
"Of course. You aren't you without your museums."
"It's considered one of the best Museums in America. It has eight permanent exhibit halls that showcase all the interesting things about the natural environment of our planet, from science and the environment to animals and fossils." He was so caught up in the moment of explaining he didn't notice your wide eyes and slow chewing.
"Uuh, you know it's just very cool." He added.

"Didn't know you wanted to see it that much. I guess I'll have to go with you then."

Different things make people happy, for you it was Steven asking you out on a date, for Steven- you willing to partake in something he was passionate about.

Your first stop was the Statue of Liberty, followed by the American Museum.

It was 10 degrees outside, which wasn't too bad.

Your day outfit consisted of black, slightly flared, jeans, ivory sweater, trench coat and some good ol' black docs.

Steven was more of a layers guy, he had a shirt, hoodie and his favorite green jacket, and jeans as always.

"I better not get cold on that Bay, otherwise I'll be whining for the whole trip." You said buttoning up your coat.

"Oh don't worry it's sunny today, just some cold wind."
"Mhm, and then I'll end up sick just before thanksgiving."
"Oh don't be so grim." He put his arm around you as the elevator dinged. "This will be fun."

Getting tickets for both the museum and water tour was a pain in the ass and the subway wasn't great either.

Compared to the London subway, this one was a not so hot mess.

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