Chapter 11.3

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Some time later all of you were gathered together at the table.

At the ends of the table sat your mom and dad. To dads left was Willow and Javier, you were sitting next to dad on the right side and between you and Steven sat Mason.

He insisted on sitting next to Steven.
He also had a big cushion under him so he could reach his plate.

"So, Steven," your dad said taking a sip of apple juice "Do you have any siblings."
You bit your lip and viewed Stevens reaction.

"Um," he finished chewing "I do. His name is Rory." He glanced at you.
"He um, lives with my mom."

"That's nice, do you talk often?"
You gave Steven an apologetic look.
"No. Not really."

"You guys should stay in touch. I had step brother growing up. He was like a real brother to me, and as we got older we stopped talking."

"We know the rest of the story dad, you tell us every family gathering," Willow was quick to save the situation. "Tell us the story of how you and mom met."

"Yes it is so funny!" Javier encouraged.

"Steven hasn't heard it." You added.

Your dad chuckled before finally agreeing "Alright, alright. So-"
As dad started you felt a tap on your arm. You thought it was Mason but it was Steven.

"What happened to his brother?" Steven mouthed.
"He died." You said soundlessly.
You shrugged turning back to listen to dads story about how he and your mom met.

"Im looking forward to Christmas with you." Your mom told Willow and Javier as they got dressed.

"And you." She turned to you.

You shrugged "I'll try my best."
"Yes and bring Steven with you." Javier added.
You chuckled "Sure." You looked at the table where your dad was having a conversation with Steven.

"How'd you two meet?" Typical boyfriend dad conversation.

"In the museum I work in. She was buying, um, books about mummification for her presentation at the library for international day."

"Wow, son, you have quite a memory."

"That's actually when I just first saw her. I went to the Guildhall library after for her presentation so I could become friends."

"How'd you know?" Your dad was actually intrigued.

"Well, I told her it was just a coincidence, but actually I noticed the the little pin she was wearing on her bag with a 'G' on it. Why would a person who works at a library buy books? Because the Guildhall library doesn't have a lot of historical Egyptian non-fiction books."

Your dad blinked.

"I know that because I checked. And since she was buying specifically Egyptian books it was definitely for international day."

"What if she was buying it for the library?"
"We usually get funny men with a big list and a clipboard come in to do that."

Steven shrugged secretly proud that he managed to please your dad.

"You planning to," instead of continuing the phrase your dad raised his eyebrows and leaned forward.

Steven didn't get the hint.

"You know purpose."
"I know you've been together for a while now."
"Well I," he glimpsed at you "I was planning on it." He said a bit unsure.

"I just wanna see some of ya'll grandkids before I pass." He said, weirdly with a smile on his face.

Steven went red. "I-I hope."
"What are you two chattering here about?" Your mom cleaned up the plates.

"Man stuff." Your dad winked at you.
You rolled your eyes with a grin on your face.

"Oh, dear, I'll do the cleaning up myself!" Your mom saw you putting the plates away.
"But I wanna-"
"Darling it's getting late. You two should go, did you order a taxi?"

"Yeah I did."
"Go say bye to your dad then, call Steven over while you're there."
You got back to the table.

He looked up.
"Mom wants to see you in the kitchen."
He nodded getting up.

"It was pleasure meeting you sir." Steven shook your dads hand and left to the kitchen.

"Ms.Y/N?" He peeped in. "You wanted to see me?"
"Yes, I just wanted to ask you to take care of her."

Uneasy silence.

"O-of course."

"She's a fragile thing that one." She shook her head.

"I'll do everything I can." He reassured her.
"Course you will," she breathed. "Thank you." She pulled him into one last hug.

"Don't worry Ms.Y/L/N."

"Right then you two, come visit us on late Christmas if you can alright?"
"Yes mom." You buttoned up your coat.

"Thank you again so much for having me." Steven gave a little bow as he left.

"Love you mom," you kissed her cheek.
"Bye dad." You blew him a kiss and he pretended to catch it. "Eat healthy!" You called out before closing the door after you.

You were so relieved that all went well in the end.

"So." You caught up to Steven "How'd you like my family?"
"I loved them. Everyone's so nice."

"That's good, that's good." You smiled.

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