Chapter 4

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"Thank you for visiting the Guildhall Library. Please remember that if you do not return your book in a period of-"
The customer left before you could even finish.

You let out a weary sigh and looked at the clock. 9:10pm. Another hour.
You sat down and closed your eyes.

"Peace and harmony." You sang in your head.
"Y/L/N!" The sound of something heavy slamming the desk made you jump.

Your eyes tore open only to see the most annoying face on this planet.
"Mr.Crew." You said trying to sound as calm as possible.
"Sleeping are you?" His thick Scottish accent was the last thing you wanted to hear right now.

"I-I just closed my eyes for a minute-"
"Tsk tsk tsk," he shook his head with his hands on his hips. "Get up and work Misses."
"It's miss." You murmured watching him finally leave.

God give you strength to last this evening.

"Well you look chuffed."
You looked up seeing Steven!
Oh how really chuffed were you after seeing him.

"Steven!" You practically shouted pulling him into a tight hug over the desk.
"Hey dolly." He laughed, happy that you were thrilled to see him.

"What are you doing here?" You let go, letting him breathe.
"I've got a week off."
"Oh really? I thought your next break was with mine. For the Christmas holidays."
"Well they made it so I have a week now and two at Christmas instead of three."

"Oh...But you're ok with that right?"
"I don't mind." He shrugged.
You nodded.
"Well, I'll go take a gander round the library, it sure is big. Haven't been here for quite some time. I'll be back at 10 yeah?"
You hummed giving him a kiss.

Finally after a long 50 minutes you were free. Wasting absolutely no time you packed all of your things, grabbed your coat and went to find Steven.

He was sitting at a table reading Crime and Punishment.

"How adorkable," you chuckled leaning over him. He looked up seeing your upside down smiling face.

"You know it's actually quite interesting."
"That's why you decide to reread it every month."
"Exactly." He closed the book with a grin.

"Hurry up I can't wait to leave." You whined as he slowly got up.
"Alright, alright I'm coming. Let me just put this back."

You watched him walk up to the book rack and search for the right slot to put it in.

"Steven!" You whispered. "Just leave it for fucks sake."
"But-Ugh," he shoved the book in and ran up to you. "You're gonna have to sort that tomorrow you know?"
"That's future me problems cmon." You slid your hand up to his arm and you finally left the Guildhall Library.

"Wanna walk home?" You suggested.
"Are you sure, Love? You've got work tomorrow."
"I'm fine, Steven."
"Alrighty. Hope it doesn't rain."
You looked up at the night sky seeing grey clouds. "Oh wow."

"So how's Marc?" You asked, as the two of you strolled down the mostly empty streets.

The two of you haven't talked since that night.

That was a week ago.

"He's gutted. That's all I can say. He's totally waiting for you to go talk to him."
"Um, he's the one who's always annoyed with me. I think that if he needs anything from me he'll ask."

Steven shrugged "You guys are complicated."
"Yeah because not everyone is as sweet and as kind as you, Steven."
"Is that bad?" He raised an eyebrow.
"What? No, of course not. It's just that it's so easy to talk to you and we just click you know?"
"But with Marc it's the complete opposite. He never listens, he's always pissed and I feel like he just genuinely dislikes me."
"No he doesn't. That's not true at all. Being mean is just his defense mechanism. After Layla he really hasn't been himself."

You screwed your eyes shut. "I just wish that he'd talk to me."
"I know sweetness, but you have to give him time."

You swore to god that if someone else said that Marc needed time it would be your last straw.

You were just about to say something when suddenly Steven beat you to it.
"Do you feel that?" He furrowed his eyebrows.
"What?" You looked around confused.

He stuck his hand out, only then did you realize he was talking about the rain.
"Great it's raining." You felt a few drops on your head.

"Oh we're not gonna make it. We're going to have to run."
The drops kept coming and coming.
"Alright I agree let's go." You dropped your hand from his arm to his palm and squeezed.

By the time you got to your apartment it was pouring.
"Hurry up get the keycard!" You yelled through the rain.
"On it!" Steven rummaged in his pockets and finally pulled out the key.

You stumbled inside leaving puddles on the carpet. There was a second of silence as the two of you tried to catch your breathe.

You looked up at Steven letting out a snicker.

"What?" He panted.
"You're soaking."
"You aren't so dry either." He chuckled.

Soon the two of you broke out into laughter. Stevens deflated curly hair made him look like a wet poodle.

Your mascara was running down your face and your hair resembled seaweed.
"Let me get that for you," Steven breathed through his giggles. He wiped your cheeks with his thumb.

"Let me help you out too," you reached for his curls rubbing his head.
"Thanks Y/N," he chuckled.
"Yeah no worries, I'm absolutely freezing so let's go." You pulled him after you, still recovering from the previous laugh.

The wet footsteps carried on through the hallway, up to the elevator and into your flat.

"Don't slip." You watched Steven carelessly walking to his room.
He turned the corner "I won-"

Next thing you knew, you were rolling around on the floor howling from laughter.

"Ouch." Steven finally said after you were done. You jogged over to him and pulled him up by the arms.
"Up you come." You strained.

"Thank you." He moved his hair out of his face. "And I'm showering first."
"Me with you?"
Steven went bright red. "Uh-I-N-Yes."
"Oh please it's like you haven't seen me naked." You rolled your eyes amused.

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