Chapter 8.2

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Thunder rumbled and boomed, rain pattered against the window, wind rushed through the trees making the leaves rustle.

You hid under the covers in your cold dark room, sheets covering your face halfway.

The picture of the bloody shirt constantly replaying in your head like in a thriller movie.
You personally led a very boring and simple life. The most interesting thing about it was dating three people at the same time, so obviously seeing something like this scared the crap out of you.

That blood stained shirt was the most horrific thing you had ever seen. EVER. It wasn't just stained, it was soaked.

If that wasn't his blood than whose was it? Surely there must be a logical explanation to all of this...Right?

You gasped as your dark room lit up and a loud crack echoed through it seconds later.

Fingers curling into the material, thoughts racing, throat dry, you tried your best to force your eyes shut and just go to sleep.

The thunder definitely wasn't helping in your situation.

Out of nowhere you noticed a thin light appear from your door.

"Who is it?" You sibilated from under the covers.

"Steven. You alright, love?" You could see the silhouette of his relaxed and slightly slouched figure. It was safe to say it was actually Steven.

"Steven." You sat up feeling a little relieved.

Judging by your reaction he entered and slowly walked over to your side of the bed.

You raised your hands up to him like a needy child, which he obviously didn't mind and sat down next to you embracing you in his warm and comforting Grant-hug.

"Steven what happened to Marc?" You shuffled your position so you could be closer to him.
He moved your hair out of your face.
"I-I dunno, darling." He sighed. "It's all between him and Jake."

You felt Steven suddenly flinch.
"What?" You looked up at him.
"Uh," it looked like he was listening to something with concentration, more like someone.

"Is it Marc?" You furrowed your eyebrows.
"And Jake." He answered quietly.
You watched Steven's expressions change in absolute silence.

For a second he glanced at you and then went back to staring into nothing.
"I-I'm sorry, can you just," he got up. "Just give me a...second."

And there you were, alone again with the thunder and rain.
What could've possibly happened with Jake and Marc?

Next door Steven was caught mid argument between Marc and Jake.

"It was an accident stop fucking yelling at me you cabrón!" Jake steamed through the nightstand mirror.

Steven turned to the other mirror that was in front of the bed, that Marc was trying not to flip from the inside.

"¡Solo estaba tratando de defenderme! ¡Se arrojó sobre mí!" Jake was back at it.
"¡Es por eso que decidiste apuñalarlo quince veces después de que estaba claramente muerto!"

"English please." Steven was trying to understand what was happening, he was constantly turning his head from one mirror to the other.

"You are a fucking psychopath!" Marc pointed. "I didn't need to say that in English, cause everyone already knows that!"
Jake scoffed. "Says the guy who used to work for a dead bird."

"You worked for him too you know." Steven managed to slip in.

"¡Cállate!" He spat.
"God this is so stupid." Marc laughed covering his face with his hand. "I'm going crazy. Steven give me the body, I need to talk to Y/N."

"NO! Do not bring her into your dangerous bullshit." Jake threatened.
"Oh I'm dangerous?" Marc mocked.
"Sí, before that motherfucker died he said your name. Marc fucking Spector."

Marc's jaw clenched as he leaned against the mirror. "Lástima que no puedo golpearte." He scowled.
"That's funny. You'd be dead if you tried."

"Lads!" Steven finally found the courage to speak up. "Can you shout at each other later? Did anyone think about Y/N?"

"That's all I'm thinking about right now! You know how much danger she can be in? And now she's probably traumatized!"
"I told you to put that shirt away."
"THEN YOU SHOULD'VE DONE IT! You really can't blame me, you killed a man and then fled, leaving the whole mess to me."
"Dijo tu nombre, no el mío. You know I was protecting us."
"Oh yes, yes of course. Thank you so much." Sarcasm dripped from Marc's words.
"De nada." Jake bowed playing along.

"What am I supposed to tell her?" Steven sighed. "She was so scared."
"I told you to shut the fuck up you moron."
Steven thought Jake was talking to him, but then realized he was talking to Marc.

"I told her not to turn the light on. You know her, she never listens to anything. Just like you!"
"Marc," Steven murmured.
"You don't deserve her, amigo."
"Yeah well if I don't deserve her, neither do you. You are me!"

"I have nothing to do with you." Jake riposted.
"Fuck you." Steven snapped over to Marc. "And fuck you." He turned to Jake.
"What did I do?" Jake furrowed his eyebrows.

"You guys deal with it yourself. Leave me out of it." Steven got up leaving the room.
"Wait Steven!" Marc called out after him. But it was too late. He had already left.

"Y/N-" A loud bang cut him off. "Bollocks." He shuddered.
You tilted your head. "What was it?"
"I uh, I'm not entirely sure. Something happened while Jake was out."
"Then why did Marc come back?"
"I'm guessing he got scared?"
"Jake? Scared? Steven don't lie to me."
"Um...You should talk to Marc about it, no, better Jake."
"Why, did Marc say something?"
"It's nothing."

The room lit up making you jump.
"It's alright, I got you." He chuckled sitting down and wrapping his arm around you.
There was silence between the two of you with pattering of the rain filling it up.

If only you knew how much Steven loved you. Truly. He always cherished moments like these, moments in which he comforted you, where he felt your need for him to be around.

"Did Jake kill someone?" You finally put forward the question.

He just sat there silently, without saying a word. Meanwhile in his head, Jake decided to come through.

"Do not say anything, Steven. I swear to god if you say yes without an explanation she'll think of something herself!"

Steven gulped.

"I have to talk to her myself."

"Uhh," Steven stammered.

"I swear to god, I'll throw us off a cliff!"

"I've heard that somewhere already." Steven said out loud.
"Sorry, I uh. I don't know." He lied.
"Oh," you looked down. He clearly didn't want to tell you, which meant Jake probably did, you knew he'd never leave anything with you without an explanation.

"How about we go to bed eh? Cmon I'll tuck you in." You heard the small smile in his voice.

He got off the bed and moved the covers back. You shuffled over to the opposite side of the bed and patted the space next to you.
"I know you don't like thunder either."

He didn't need to be told twice. He rolled over next to you, bumping his nose into your cheek and pulled the sheets over the both of you.

You giggled lightly and moved closer to him, instantly feeling secure and safe in his arms.

"Oh, sweetness." He sighed rubbing your back. "Everything's gonna be ok."

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