Chapter 9.2

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"Good morning passengers. This is the pre-boarding announcement for flight 89B to New York. We are now inviting those passengers with small children, and any passengers requiring special assistance, to begin boarding at this time. Please have your boarding pass and identification ready. Regular boarding will begin in approximately ten minutes time. Thank you."

"I'm absolutely knackered." Steven said to the half asleep you.

"Huh?" You looked up with half opened eyes.

"We're boarding in 10 minutes, dolly. Now would be the right time to go to the bathroom if you need it after the tea."
"You're the one that drank two cups." You got back to being comfy on his shoulder.
"Yep I'm going." He got up making you slide off.

You let out a disappointed groan and reached for your tickets and passports that were in your bag.

In about 15 minutes Steven came running back.
"You moron what took you so long?!" You shoved his backpack in his hands.
"The line was massive."
"Oh yeah? Well I bet it wasn't as massive as that." You turned around to the boarding line that was full of passengers.
"Blimey." Steven blinked. "I-Uh sorry." He shrugged innocently.
You rolled your eyes "Cmon Mr.Grant, you've got another line to wait in."


"Oh no way we got a window seat." Steven gleamed.
"Steven hurry up there are people waiting."
"On it." He threw his bag up into the top compartment. "Do you want the window seat?"

"No." You shoved him inside the space between the seats allowing everyone who was behind you get to their places.

You sighed sitting down in the middle seat.
"Wicked." You saw Steven with his face against the window.
"Jesus Steven," you chuckled shaking your head.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome onboard Flight 89B with service from London to New York. We are currently third in line for take-off and are expected to be in the air in approximately seven minutes time. We ask that you please fasten your seatbelts at this time and secure all baggage underneath your seat or in the overhead compartments. We also ask that your seats and table trays are in the upright position for take-off. Please turn off all personal electronic devices, including laptops and cell phones. Smoking is prohibited for the duration of the flight. Thank you for choosing American Airlines. Enjoy your flight."

Besides Steven, next to you sat a lady who fell asleep as soon as she sat down, which was a good thing on one hand. No arguments, no unwanted conversations. But on the other hand, how the hell were you supposed to go to the bathroom if she was asleep?


The seatbelt sign turned off.

"Do you want to watch something together?" Steven held up an earphone while putting the other one in.

"Uh no."
"Oh. Ok." He said a bit disappointed.
"I have other plans." You unpacked the blanket that the stewardess gave you in the beginning of the flight.

You then lifted the armrest between you and Steven and after comfortably resting your head on his shoulder, covered yourself with the blanket and closed your eyes.

"Good morning." You whispered.

He smiled sliding his hand onto yours and shuffling into a more pleasant position so he wouldn't move while you were asleep.


You were woken up by someone shoving you on your shoulder.

"Miss. Miss."

Your eyes shot open "Huh? What?" You blinked.
"Chicken or fish?"
You furrowed your eyebrows at the woman in blue.

"Food." She held up a container covered in tin foil.
"Chicken." Steven answered for you and put the table down that was in front of you.

She then put the container down and the tray with it.

"You sir?"
"I'll have the same please."
"And drinks?"
"Tea for us both thank you."

After the the stewardess left you turned to Steven.
"Thank you."
"Yeah no worries, love."
"Hopefully this tea is a bit better."
"Greenfield black." He held up the packet.
"Not bad." You nodded.

You dipped the tea bag into the cup with hot water and unwrapped a small packet with cheese.

You didn't really like airplane food.

"This is nice." Steven was talking about the tea. You hummed in response, satisfied.

"How long was I asleep?"
"Hour and a half."
He nodded.
"Wanna watch that movie?"

A smile grew on Stevens face.

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