The royal summon

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Magician was coming to the palace one by one trying to fix the emperor and all of them failed to do so, Jeannette was starting to get worried her father was still not waking up and a lot of people were depending on her she didn't like it one bit at least her husband was there to comfort her she's glad to have him in her life he always comfort her when she needs it

Are they any luck ijiekiel asked him and Jeannette been married for 22 years, 3 months after the first princess death, he felt guilty not doing anything to help her even after the real culprit was found but there was nothing he could do, his father told him not to feel guilty that fate happens that he should just put his heart to the side and go what's right and that was marrying Jeannette he thought if he married Jeannette he would finally developed real feelings but he still thinks of her as a little sister

No nothing he's still not waking up, I don't know what to do ijiekiel Jeannette said tearing up, how long will it take for father to wake up will he ever wake up

Oh father Jeannette said holding Claude's hand

Please wake up, I need you

Your highness a young magician is here she said she could fix his majesty felix came in, he's still working for the emperor after all these years he hates what his friend did to his daughter, he feels bad about not helping princess athanasia when she died he pull his money and paid for her tombstone yes even after death Claude didn't care about his child or buried her with the rest of the royals, Felix buried her in a field of roses with a golden tombstone that's the least he could do for her now, he still blames himself for not doing anything but watch

Jeannette wipe the remaining of her tears

Of course bring her in Jeannette said a young woman no older than 18 came with long wavy black hair and red ruby eyes came in

Blessing and greetings to the star of obelia I am tia valentine and I'm here to try to fix his majesty she bowed down Jeannette and ijiekiel stared at her in shock she looks exactly like her late sister

Oh please rise Jeannette said the young girl went to her father

Hmmmmm, as I expected he's cursed she said

We've been told can you fix him Jeannette said she was desperate and this girl looks like she can fix her father

Yes, it's a complicated but I will need you and your fiancé to leave us be she said giving them an expressionless face

Do we have to I want to stay with him Jeannette said trying to convince her

Yes princess if you are concern the knight can stay and watch me fix him if that is your concern tia said

Let's just go Jeannette and let her we'll leave Felix with her ijiekiel said Jeannette sigh

Okay then let's leave you to it Jeannette said then leaving with her husband the door closed and tia tried not to roll her eyes and scoffed because the knight was still in the room

Are you sure you can fix his majesty Felix asked he was still wary about the girl but he was shock about how much she looks like the first princess

Of course this is easy I can do this in my sleep tia said taking some of the black magic off claude

Where are you from lady tia Felix asked

I'm from the borders of obelia and can you please be quiet I'm concentrating here tia said she took the remaining of the active black magic, her father already taught her everything when it comes to magic and how to deal with black magic

Claude shot up and started gasping for air

Your majesty!!! Felix ran to his friend

Ughhh who are you claude glared at the girl in front of him

Blessing and greetings to the sun of obelia I am tia valentine I am the magician who cured you she bowed look like I'm done I should get mom chocolate cake before I go back

Am I cured he asked there was something about the girl in front of him that made him suspicious

Unfortunately no your majesty you are still not fully cured tia said don't tell me I have to stay till this bastard is fully cured

Then your majesty she must stay till you are fully cured she was the only one who somewhat cured you Felix said Claude glared at the girl in front of him one last time

Fine, she shall stay in the sapphire palace until then he said there's something about this girl I need to know I'll get Felix to investigate her he thought to himself

Attheia pov

I finally got to obelia and went to the palace gates with the letter in my hand, I just gotta fix this bastard and leave also get paid I don't work for free, honestly can I just kill the guy and disappear it's pay back for how he treated my beautiful mother

I went inside his chambers with this knight name Felix he stared at me I shock maybe because I look like mom to be honest I think I look more like dad because of the face shape  and black hair , Ambroise looks like dad with mom's colors And Arius looks like our grandfather much to his discomfort we don't say anything about it tho as he's very sensitive about it

I greeted my aunt and her husband, hmmmmm she's chimera no wonder she gained everyone's and his love and her bastard husband so easily mom barely stand a chance, does she know that she's a chimera highly doubt that, I went over to him and he looks just like Arius the guy who caused my mother pain for 18 years who didn't hesitate to kill her over a chimera, her grandfather claude de Alger obelia the limp one, he's very handsome not gonna lie he still looks very young,

I told them to leave I can't tell her it's because of her and her black magic but her husband told her to leave so now it's me and Felix, Now let's see what's going on, he cursed himself with black magic interesting looks like he wants forget something or someone but who by the looks of it was placed a long time ago, I'll just take some of it that can wake him up he doesn't have much time till he dies not my problem tho

Are you sure you can fix his majesty Felix asked me, can you shut the fuck up that's what I wanted to tell him but mom will scold me for being rude

Of course this is easy I could do this in my sleep, im the most powerful magician in the universe I am the daughter of black tower magician

where are you from lady tia he asked me I guess he wants to investigate me not like you're going find anything only my name and age in the records dude

I'm from the border of obelia can you please be quiet I'm concentrating here I told him shut up and stop bothering me, I took the remaining active black magic and he shot wide open awake at last my job here is done I can go home now

He shot me a glare rude as fuck, you should be on your knees and thanking me but okay it's Claude where talking to

He groaned, who are you he asked your granddaughter from your daughter you killed

Blessing and greetings to the sun of obelia I am tia valentine I am the magician who cured you I bowed down finally I can leave I'll get mom some chocolate cake

Am I cured he asked don't tell me he wants me to stay till he's fully cured then I'll need a world tree branch for that

Unfortunately no your majesty you are still not fully cured

Then she should stay here your majesty till you are fully cured she was the only one who somewhat cured you Felix said what the fuck Felix why you gotta throw me under the bus I don't wanna help this man I have a worried pregnant mother who's waiting for me

He shot me one last glare, fuck you too

Fine she shall stay in the sapphire palace until then he stay awww fuck no I need to contact my family now and get my brothers to go get me a world tree branch

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