All hell broke loose: part one

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After Claude woke up and remembered everything from Diana to their daughter he locked himself in his palace refusing every entry, no one was allowed to come in not even tia or felix

He devoured himself in misery with every alcohol in his cabinet and drank himself to misery, he knew it was bad even lethal for his health but he didn't care where is the reason to live when he has no one by his side because cowardly actions

Anyone could tell the despair and sorrow he's carrying, broken bottles left untouched on the floor, the walls smeared with red wine and rum when he threw bottles because of a drunken rage refusing to believe his new reality, he refused to sleep afraid to see his daughter cry for him before she takes her last breath every time he tries to rest his daughters cries for help fill his ears while he stays there not having the power to do anything

After his majesty's awakening no one in the palace or obelia could rest, tia decided to stay for a while till everything cools down she stared at the mirror looking at herself showing her real eyes her imperial jewel eyes her mother's eyes his eyes she scoffed at herself as much as she didn't want to admit it but she love her grandfather and it hurts seeing him falling in despair, he did it to himself she tells herself every time she feels herself pitying him

"Tch" she said before changing them back to red, she went to Felix and the boys whose holding an unconscious Anastasius, Arius and Ambroise decided to stay with their sister till she leaves, they all teleported to his chambers where the stench of the alcohol stuffed their noses with Claude staring at the window drunk as hell

Claude's despair came to a halt when tia, her brother's, and Felix stormed into his room, he denied all their requests for an audience while he was in a heavily drunken state he failed to realize traces of his imperial mana around the kids

"What the hell do you want kid , give me one reason not to kill you for trespassing" he slurred at them, they were unfazed by his words Ambroise even rolled his eyes while Arius looked annoyed

"We have someone you would like to see your majesty" tia said Felix and Arius threw Anastasius him to Claude's feet, Claude's eyes wide open and his body was filled with rage seeing the sight of his brother who was told to be dead, once again his mana shook the imperial palaces

Jeannette was in her garden having tea with ijiekiel, she requested her father to come multiple times but no one was allowed to enter his palace, she tried talking to tia she ignores her and stays in her room not taking any request

"Honey what do think is going on with father" she asked her husband

"I do not know I heard lady tia finally cured him that's all I know" ijiekiel answered while they were having tea a bunch of guards with Felix upfront came to them, Jeannette got up

"I do not know I heard lady tia finally cured him that's all I know" ijiekiel answered while they were having tea a bunch of guards with Felix upfront came to them, Jeannette got up

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"Is everything all right Felix, how is father" she asked Felix gave her a cold look of disgust

"Princess Jeannette and ijiekiel alpheus you are under arrest for treason" Felix said the guards took Jeannette roughly while she was yelling to let her go, ijiekiel was taken by the guards yelling saying it must be a mistake






They were sent to the dungeons where they found roger alpheus and Anastasius in there

"Daddy" Jeannette said running up to her bruised up father ijiekiel stared at her shock what does she mean daddy her father is his majesty not the former emperor he thought

"Father what happened why are we accused of treason"  he asked his father who looked down in shame

Roger alpheus stayed quiet with his head down

"Father what did you do?" Ijiekiel asked taking deep breath's trying not to believe that his father may have worked with the former emperor, later on countess Rosalia was put in


The guards ignored and threw her in m

"auntie" Jeannette gasped

"Jeannette why are you here what is happening" she asked

"I'll tell you what's happening" a voice said they looked up to see tia glaring at them with full hatred this people are the reason why my mother suffer she thought, Jeannette ran up to her excited to see a similar face who isn't inside the cells

"Tia you're here please tell us what's going on why am I here, please tell father my situation"

"Your father is right there" tia pointed at Anastasius, Jeannette looked at her disbelief how does she know she thought, she had to think of something quick

"What are you talking about my father is Claude de Alger obelia the emperor of obelia" she lied Anastasius looked at her disbelief by her statement

"No your father is the former emperor whose in the cell with you, but you already knew that didn't you"tia glared at her

Jeannette eyes widened at her glare, "I don't know what your talking about" she stuttered why is she treating me like this

"You already knew who your real father was since you were a child but you still came here and tricked everyone to believing your his majesty's daughter taking away the real princesses spot and father"tia said with a cold voice


"And you knew the princess never poisoned you but you still let her get executed knowing you had the power to stop her execution but you didn't want to because you wanted everything to yourself, am I right?"

"No your wrong"-

"You honestly want me to help you, what should I help you when you never bothered helping princess athanasia the real princess of the empire even before her death" tia hissed at her which caused Jeannette to stumbled and fell she trembled while holding back tears afraid of the girl right in front of her

"HOW DARE YOU TALK DISRESPECTFULLY TO A MEMBER OF THE IMPERIAL FAMILY" Rosalia yelled tia just ignored her and took the remaining black magic that was still in the cell, they all stared at her confused, should I show them my imperial eyes I mean they are gonna be dead by tomorrow why not tia thought

"Who say's I'm not part of the imperial family" tia smirked they had a confused facial expression till it
turned into disbelief

"Who say's I'm not part of the imperial family" tia smirked they had a confused facial expression till it turned into disbelief

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"I never said I wasn't part of the imperial family" she said then turning away leaving them be

"Athanasia is alive" Jeannette said she didn't how to feel, it explains how she looks like her there's no way she'll help me now I took her mother's place and got her almost killed no wonder she hates me

The princess was alive all along ijiekiel thought he was shock by the revelation but was relieved to find that she's alive and well

Hey guys it's almost the end six more chapters left till the story is completed, im so glad with all the support this story is getting thank you 🙏

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