Lilian York

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Hey arin I walked over to my brother who was sitting by a fountain

Finally your here you got the address for Lilian

Yes let's go

We teleported to a big nice house

I'm kind of nervous I told Arius

It's gonna be okay, I'll knock

May I help you a guard said opening the door

Yes is Lilian York here by any chance I asked him

No she's not he said

Okay then thank you Arius said we left

Where do you think she is Arius said

I don't know, do you know a spell for finding someone I think dad taught us but I don't remember

I think it's like the teleportation spell, let's just teleport to her

We teleported to a garden with a trail of fresh roses in a distance there was a woman looking down

I guess that's lily, we walked over to her she was staring at the tombstone of our mother, I really feel bad for lily she had to witness the death of our mother without having any power to stop it, she's a very beautiful woman she had straight brown hair with clear blue eyes

Are you Lilian York Arius said she looked up and stared at us in shock

You two look just like her she mumbled

What was your relationship with the princess I asked her she had a sad smile

She was like a daughter to me, I raised her till she was eighteen I loved her so much but I failed her and her mother I will always live with that guilt she said looking down at her tombstone she wipe her tear that fell

We stayed in silence staring at my mother's tombstone princess athanasia de Alger obelia daughter of Diana, may she rest in everlasting peace

What if we told you she never died I said she snapped her head at us

What do you mean is the princess alive she said with clear desperation in her eyes

We handed her mom's letter when she read she fell to knees and started crying thanking god Arius and I quickly helped her get up

You guys must be her descendants she wiped her tears

Yes I'm attheia the oldest triplet, this is Arius the second oldest and our other triplet is Ambroise, we also have younger twin siblings name Roxana and Orion they are eight

Those are wonderful names, my princess is alive and well she smiled

Yes she is, if you like you could go visit her she would love to see you

I would love to

For the next thirty minutes we talked about everything

I alway thought his majesty would love the princess after he finished grieving over lady Diana lily said sadly

What do you mean wasn't grandma a simple concubine Arius said

No of course they were lovers and an unofficial consort of his, I remember her telling me how excited he was when she founded out she was pregnant with the princess lily said

Wait if grandma is the woman Claude forgot about then that explains why he hated mother, he used black magic to forget grandma which means he also forgets mom as a side effect because mom is a reminder of grandma this explains everything he's hatred for mom his love for Jeannette because her black magic feeds into his and forgets more about grandma and mom

I have to go I said

Goodbye lily I hope to see you again

I hope to see you too princess she bowed

Oh no I'm no princess I'm just a mere commoner please don't bowed down to me, just call me tia

Okay tia she smiled

Arius take her to mom, mom's would be happy to see her I have somewhere I need to go

Okay bye be careful

I teleported back to Claude's office

No one's pov

Tia went back so now it was only arius and lily

I want to thank you for taking care of my mother, I really appreciate that Arius said

It's nothing, I promised Diana I would take care of her precious daughter

Let's go see her precious daughter then, my lady Arius said reaching for hand like a gentleman

Oh your such a gentleman lily giggled, Arius teleported them outside of their house Roxana and Orion ran to them


Hey guys this is Lilian York your grandma Arius introduced

GRANDMA they hugged lily

Oh my what adorable kids you are lily smiled hugging them back they all look like the princess she thought

Lily someone called out she looked up and saw a pregnant athanasia she fell to her knees

Princess she muttered she's pregnant



LILY athanasia cried running to her

Oh my princess I'm so happy she sobbed holding athanasia for her dear life afraid she'll lose her again if she let go

Oh lily I missed you so much Im sorry I didn't write for you sooner I didn't want you to get in trouble athanasia sobbed

It's okay princess I understand, your pregnant I'm so happy lily said

Let's go inside and have tea athanasia said

How far along are you

Only 5 months now it was a surprise pregnancy I wasn't expecting to be pregnant again

I'm so happy I'll visit as much as I can to help you princess

Thank you lily and just call me athy I'm no longer a princess

You will always be my princess lily said wiping her tears

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