All hell broke loose: part two

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Claude never felt so much hatred in his life observing the people who's kneeling right in front of him

"Your majesty there must've been a mistake Jeannette and I had nothing to do with my father's and the former emperor plans" ijiekiel tried to convince the emperor, he was fuming that his father did treason and how Jeannette knew that his majesty isn't her real father and kept that her real father was alive

"SILENCE" he yelled they all flinched

"You are all here for your punishments" he said

"BUT FATHER I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING" Jeannette said trying to convince him to letting her live, he glared at her causing her to flinched

"YOU" he snarled at her

"How dare you trick me, stole my daughters rightful position and make yourself comfortable in her seat, your just like your whore of a mother" claude said he portrayed nothing but heavy hatred and resentment towards the woman who claimed to be his daughter all the love he showered her should've gone to his real daughter


"Stop yelling nonesense you already know I am not your real father, tia told me everything about how you knew I wasn't your real father but my brother and knew he was still alive and had a relationship with him"

Jeannette stayed quiet not knowing how to response, she could feel glares from Claude, Felix, tia and two young boys who resembles his majesty

"You all will be tortured for two weeks till your execution, ijiekiel alpheus I have been told you had nothing do with any of the crimes so your life will be spare but you will repay all of the debts that your family caused"

"Thank you your majesty" ijiekiel said he didn't know how to feel he's glad that his life will be spared but he has to witness his father and wife get killed

"You have a lot of nerve to be alive all these years" claude said turning to Anastasius who's caged up

"Good to see you again after all these years brother" Anastasius smirked at him

"Thank you for taking care of my daughter I didn't know you love her that much to kill your real daughter but it's okay because she's"- *THUD*, Arius punched him before he could continued

"I take it back you all will be executed in 3 days" he declared

"PLEASE YOUR MAJESTY THINK THIS THROUGH" roger alpheus yelled trying to convince Claude, he didn't know it will come up to this he doesn't want to die

"You have a lot of nerve begging for your life like you didn't have any problems framing princess athanasia for attempted murder" tia glared at him


"But nothing you are not but a mere traitor for the empire you deserve to rot in hell where you belong roger alpheus" she snarled at him

"get them out of my sight and torture them till the day of their execution, no water or food" claude said getting up and leaving, he went back to his chambers  to drink himself to misery but found Felix there waiting for him

"What do you want?, leave" he said

"Your majesty lady tia and her brothers decided to stay till execution"

"Okay I don't care" he said taking a drink out of his bottle of rum

"You need to stop drinking your majesty it's not good for your health" Felix said concerned for his friend

"I don't care what is life if my wife and daughter aren't here"claude said, Felix was fuming at that statement he caused the princess death not caring for her even in death but there's to mourned her after 20 years

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