Breaking point

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Roger how come you haven't gotten rid of that girl Anastasius hissed they've been sending assassins to kill her but none of them came back and just disappeared out of thin air, and it doesn't help that Claude has been spending less time with Jeannette and more with her

I've tried everything and nothing works roger said shaking his head he's stressed if they failed and the emperor finds out he's head will be on the gates and the alpheus name will be ruined, maybe I should get out of the plan my family has enough power already thanks to Jeannette and ijiekiel he thought

Well tried harder where are those assassins you hired Anastasius gritted

They disappeared, I hired maids to poison her and it didn't work we can't frame her for poisoning Jeannette because it won't work like it did with the first princess

Anastasius sighed, this girl is ruining my plan I need to go and get rid of her myself

Figure another way out he said leaving he went back to the black tower

Hmmmm someone been here new protection spells, time to get rid of them

He tried shooting them with black magic but it just shoot it back there was a huge explosion that caused him to get thrown at the walll

He groaned and hissed in pain and threw up blood

Well Well Well what do we have here Arius said walking in

What is a rat doing in my father's tower he chuckled

Anastasius glared, your father he groaned

Hmmm looks like you were supposed to be dead, you reek of black magic

Who are you

None of your business, let's have some fun shall we

Back in claude's office tia pov

Your majesty sorry to intrude but I have a question to asked I barged in

Tia your here Jeannette beamed oh shit not her her husband was with her too

Oh it looks like your busy I'll come back tomorrow I turned around

Wait Jeannette said said I turned back around


She took ijiekiel hand and smiled at me

We want you to be our daughter?


You are the perfect candidate to be our daughter, I understand you are a legal adult but i love you so much I want us to be a family she said both Claude and ijiekiel stayed quiet and ijiekiel looked embarrassed

I already have a family your highness I said trying to keep my cool down

I understand but if you become my family you will have wealth, honor, and title


Jeannette looked stunned

What do you mean and?

I already have a family that I love so much no amount of wealth, honor, and title will change that, why I would be your family when we're nothing but mere strangers to each other this is strictly business when his majesty is better I'm going back to my home


Did you know what happened to me two days ago

What happened

A maid tried to poison me and that night someone tried to kill me, I am not protected in this palace so therefore I cannot take that deal I am glad and grateful that you enjoy my presence but I will never take your deal to be your family when I have a loving family that is waiting for my return


No buts I find it very offensive that you keep forcing yourself into my life from spying on me to this is very disrespectful, just because of you're the most beloved princess in the continent doesn't mean everything is yours to take, I shall take my leave blessing and greetings to the sun and star of obelia goodbye I teleported out

The nerve of that woman to shamelessly ask me someone she knew for a couple of weeks and the oldest child of athanasia, a person who suffered the most from her luxury life to take her away from her family, hasn't she taken enough already, I guess I'm at fault too for letting her think we're close

Jeannette pov

Rejection that is a new feeling for me, for all I remember i have never been reject before even at the alpheus mansion, I gotten Claude's love after a couple weeks, I gotten ijiekiel love when he was still smitten by athanasia, I always did get what I wanted without a fight so rejection is quite new to me

She rejected us I turned to ijiekiel hinting him to comfort me

Well what did you expect father snapped at me I was stunned he never spoke to me like this before what's happening to him

But father-

No buts she already has a family why would you think she'll give that away for luxury are you delusional

I can already feel my tears brewing

I told you this was a bad idea and that she doesn't see us that way you should've listened to me ijiekiel said he's also turning his back on me

I just wanted us to be a family I said trying to convince them

Well she doesn't see us as that okay Jeannette just let it go ijiekiel said

Why are you guys acting like this I ran out of the room, why is everyone turning their back on me

Claude pov

That girl is an idiot, asking a mere stranger to be her daughter like she doesn't have a family of her own waiting for her return what do I see in her she's not even my real daughter but my brother's, I wouldn't mind if tia was my daughter though or granddaughter she's a very interesting girl, she said there was assassination attempts towards her I need to investigate it

Felix I called out, ever since that wench died him and I grown distant he still is mad that I executed her she's not even my daughter who even is her mother

Yes your majesty

Investigate the sapphire palace there has been assassination attempts on my mage

Felix looked stunned

Right away your majesty

Who tried to kill my mage who's been curing me hmmmm


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