8 years ago

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Athanasia was brushing her beautiful daughters hair Mama can you tell me about grandma and grandpa a young ten year attheia asked while playing with her toy

Athanasia tensed up by the question

Well you grandma was a beautiful woman she died giving birth to me but her friend lily became my mother and raised me, she told me your grandmother was a kind free spirit woman who loved lippe tea

What about grandpa she asked staring at her mom, athanasia gave her a sad smile

I'll tell you about him later, it's time for training with your dad

Okay mama see you later attheia ran to her father

Papa I'm here attheia smiled

Took you long enough come on sit

Okay so todays lesson we're doing teleportation, your brothers teleported to the kitchen so I want you to think about somewhere you really wanna go and that is the kitchen now go Lucas said

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Okay so todays lesson we're doing teleportation, your brothers teleported to the kitchen so I want you to think about somewhere you really wanna go and that is the kitchen now go Lucas said

Okay attheia said she closed her eyes and began constraining to teleport to the kitchen


She opened her eyes except for the kitchen she stumbled into a fancy garden

Where am I, I should disguise my eyes to regular blue

Where am I, I should disguise my eyes to regular blue

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What a beautiful garden she said walking around

What is this filthy bug doing in garden a male voice said tia turned around nervously

Claude picked her up

I ask you again what are you doing in my garden he glared this mister has the same eyes as me tia thought

Your majesty girls these ages are quite shy Felix said nervous for the young girl

Catch Claude threw her to Felix thankfully Felix caught her in time

I will have tea with my guest he said walking away, tia sat across from him looking down while Claude observed the girl

So who are you

I'm tia she mumbled

Speak up

I am tia, I'm sorry for being in your garden it was an accident

Claude smirked at her amused

How did you end up here

I was training how to teleport with my daddy then I accidentally came here mister tia said she doesn't know who I am Claude thought

Eat up your thin he said handing her sweets which tia gladly took

Thank you she said taking a bite of her chocolate cake

Teleportation works when have a desire to see someone or something, what was your desire that ended up here

I'm searching for my grandfather I wanna know about him

Hmmmm she's definitely not my descendant that wench died already I don't have any other kids other than Jeannette Claude thought

Thank you for the food, I have to go before mommy and daddy are worried tia said getting up

I hope to meet again mister bye bye tia waved then teleported back





IM HERE tia yelled running back inside

Oh my god where were you we searched for you everywhere athanasia said relieved hugging her daughter

I ended up in a fancy garden with a nice mister we shared the same eyes tia said Lucas and athanasia tensed up

What do you mean you shared the same eyes, did you show him

He also had blue jewel eyes like us and no daddy I kept my promise

Okay good he doesn't know athanasia sighed relieved

Why. Who is he? Tia asked confused about her parents emotions

That man is your grandfather attheia come sit I'll tell you guys everything athanasia sigh the triplets went to seat down and for the next thirty minutes their mother explained everything from her true orgins and the relationship between their grandfather and her, needless to say they were angry

Athanasia finally tucked in her daughter to sleep and kissed her good night

Good night my love

Goodnight mama

Athanasia closed the door and tia got up from her bed and clutched her fix

How dare he do that to mama, I hate him I hate him I hate him

I don't need a grandfather I don't need him

Why would he act nice to me when he wouldn't do that for mama

I despise him

But why would he be nice to me

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