Meeting with the emperor

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Lady tia his majesty requested to see you a maid said

I'm coming

I teleported to his door with Felix in front of it

I was requested to see his majesty

Of course come on in Felix said opening the door, I walked in taking a deep breath and keeping my poker face

Blessing and greetings to the sun of obelia i bowed

Rise and sit he said, I sat on the sofa across from it and stayed quiet he kept staring at me not saying a thing, this is so uncomfortable dude say something

Is he sleeping, awww hell naw I'm out, i got up from my seat about to walk way

Where do you think your going did I tell you to leave

I apologize your majesty I saw you were sleeping then i assume it would be rude to stay


Okay, what do you need your majesty

He stayed quiet, bruh imma need answers

Where are you from he asked

The borders of obelia

Why did you cure me?

Because it was an imperial order, I wish to fully cure you quickly so I can make it in time for my mother's birth

When is your mother do

6 months, I think I can fully cure you by then

You sound confident he smirked at me

I am sure your majesty I am aware of my full capabilities

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I am sure your majesty I am aware of my full capabilities

And what if you don't cure me

Then we'll never know because I know I can cure you

You said you have four siblings and another 2 on the way, what are their genders and are they also a magician like you

I have to say your majesty you are quite interested in my family, I have 3 brothers and one sister i am hoping for sisters this time and no they did not want to be magicians but they also have powerful mana like me

Is your father involved in your life

Of course my mother would kill him if he did otherwise

For a commoner you have perfect etiquette

Thank you your majesty, my mother was a noble from siodonna who ran away, she taught us proper ettiequte 

Why did she ran away he asked to get away from you you bastard

Because her father despised her and threw her away like a rag doll she met my father and ran away I said ring a bell doesn't it


Finally we're done with this conversation

Do you need anything else your majesty

Nothing you may go, come back tomorrow same time he said you've got to be fucking kidding me where's Arius when you need him

Of course your majesty blessing and greetings to the obelian empire he bowed then left before I left I took some of the black magic out this is going to be complicated every time I take black magic out Jeannette put some back in I need to search for a spell that permanently blocks Jeannette's black magic also I need to get rid of hers as well, I better get paid good for this

Claude pov

There's something about this girl that pulls me in like I'm close to her I'm just tired time for my afternoon nap

Your majesty a woman who's face is blurry

I am his majesty woman

Drink this tea your majesty

Love this child as much as you love me

She stood there her face was still blurry but she started walking away I immediately reached out to her but she faded away

Who is she

Why does my heart feels heavy

What are these feelings and memories

Back at the borders

Hey mom here's the tea you asked for Arius said handing his mom a cup of tea, before Ambroise and Lucas left Lucas assigned Arius to protect the family and to go to the black tower and guard it he thinks there's some rat in there

Thanks honey athanasia said  before taking a sip of her freshly brewed lippe tea

Mom can I asked something Arius said sitting down

Of course anything what is it

Do I really look like the emperor he said looking down, Arius hated the fact he looks like the man who caused his mother so much heartbreak and suffering it makes him sick just thinking about it, he wished he looked liked his father or his mom

Athanasia sighed, yes you do you look exactly like him

Do you hate the fact that I look like the man who hurt you Arius said athanasia gasped and put her tea down

Of course not why would you think that, I've already put my past behind me I don't care that you look like him you're my son and I love you

Thanks mom Arius said they hugged it out

I'm going to see tia I've already put multiple protection spells around the house I'm coming back later okay

Okay be careful

I'm always is

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