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today was a wonderful glorious day in obelia, as today was the wedding of empress Attheia and prince consort Jeremy von Neuschwanstein, five years has pass since the family came back to obelia and the birth of the latest children of athanasia and lucas and life have been peaceful for the family,  claude eventually step down as emperor and gave it to Attheia when she turned twenty, he spends all of his days bonding with his daughter and taking care of his grandchildren even though he says he doesn't have favorites everyone knows diana is his favorite

the triplets grown into beautiful  five year olds, callisto was identical to his father but acted like his mother, kalida  looked identical to her mother but she was blunt and quiet like her grandfather, diana looked identical to her late grandmother but she acted like her father as she, roxana, and orion were the only member in the imperial family to have different colored jewel eyes, the were well behaved close kids

roxana and orion grown up to be beautiful fourteen year old, they just celebrated their debunte as each others dates, roxana is currently studying to be a mage as she wanted to be one since she was five while orion is studying to be knight as he wanted to protect his sister, they never changed since they were younger both are still cheeky and cause pranks to their family members which gets them into trouble but thankfully claude always gets them out

while Attheia is getting married to her long term boyfriend Jeremy, Arius already gotten married to an empress in a neighboring country her name is Valeria Loven they meant five years ago during attheia's  coronation it was love at first sight they began secretly courting for a year than gotten married a year after, they are now three years married and Valeria is currently pregnant with their daughter Aurelia, Ambroise is currently the new black tower magician and is too busy to even think about a love life like his siblings but he recently found himself smitten by the beautiful  princess Lavinia of siodonna when the siodonnian family visited obelia, they are currently just  friends but are hoping it becomes more

athanasia and lucas are still the same happily married, they agreed to no longer have kids after having eight kids  especially when they are about to be grandparents, they are now travel across the continents like before they had kids and are even planning one traveling the universe to see how different in her life there, they are happy and proud of her their kids turn out even though lucas doesn't like admitting it

felix and lily gotten married a three years ago after felix finally confess to his feelings for her, lily was hesitant about it with her age but after talking about it with athanasia she accepted his feelings and they began to date for a couple of months they both retired and lived close to the palace  and had a son name aiden who was a shy boy, everyone was happy and that's all that matters

" do you empress Attheia de Alger obelia take Jeremy von Neuschwanstein as your husband"

" I do"

" do Jeremy von Neuschwanstein take empress Attheia de Alger obelia as your wife"

" I do"

" any objection that these two shouldn't get married please speak out or forever hold your peace" the priest said, even though athanasia was crying she gave both her father and husband a dirty look warning them if they objected they will deal with her wrath, they just sighed grumbling curse words towards Jeremy for taking their granddaughter

" with the power vested in me I pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride" jeremy leaned in to kiss his bride only to sense two glares he knew who it was and began to break out into cold sweat, attheia was confused why her husband hasn't kiss her yet she turned and it was her father and grandfather glaring at her husband, she rolled her eyes and leaned and kissed him herself, everyone cheered except Claude and Lucas happy for the new wedded couple

The end

Hey y'all this is the end of obelia's forgotten descendants, thank you for all the support and sticking with me till the end, your support means a lot

I have been thinking of writing a short prequel using athanasia's pov, it's still in thoughts though so I'm not sure if I'll write it, what do you guys think

Also here were some ideas I dropped when I writing this story:

Originally Jeannette and ijiekiel had a daughter but I dropped it because I didn't want her daughter see her mother die

Claude and athanasia were supposed to reunite in his death bed, my plan was that Claude was in his deathbed because taking the black magic out took a toll on his body so he wasn't going to survive when athanasia heard about it she went to him and his final moments was him apologizing and saying how much he loves her

Athanasia wasn't going to be pregnant again but the idea of her being pregnant made me happy

Lily was supposed to be dead from suicide but I dropped it for obvious reasons

That's it, that was all the ideas I dropped, please support all my other stories that would be nice, I have a new story that's in the works call, who made us Diana's nonexistent sisters

It's about three sisters who were reincarnated into Diana's sisters who were never mentioned in wmmap or lovely princess, they worked together to find a way to save their sister before her fated death, im planning on publishing it next year

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It's about three sisters who were reincarnated into Diana's sisters who were never mentioned in wmmap or lovely princess, they worked together to find a way to save their sister before her fated death, im planning on publishing it next year

So please follow me for future stories and updates

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