Bonus chapter:In his eyes

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Ijiekiel alpheus is a coward he knows it everybody knows it

He first fell in love with the first princess during their first meeting, her hair shined like gold, her face soft and gentle, intelligence that can rival a genius, and a soft and pure personality with a smile that can light up the room, she was perfect no she is perfect an angel that fell from grace to bless his tainted soul from his greedy family, he wanted her just for him and not for his family

Ever since he can remember his father controlled every aspect of his life, he's decision to his future even to his looks, he had to be a perfect man a perfect heir to the alpheus family one of the most powerful family in the empire, he listened and did everything his father told him as he did tell him everything he does is for him and is for his sake and their family honor so he never disobeyed him, he did everything from taking care of Jeannette, marrying Jeannette, and getting close to the emperor, as it went along he started to drain

Till he met her

She never looked at him with a leering stare, her gaze was kind and welcoming something he hasn't seen for a long time, it's like she was an angel that was sent just for him, he hated himself for loving another woman when he's already engaged to Jeannette it wasn't fair for her as he did agreed to marry her

He knew princess athanasia didn't poisoned Jeannette he knew she was too kind and innocent to even think about it, he was too busy taking care of Jeannette that he never got time to catch the real culprit resulting of losing his beloved, his life began dull and suffocating again, he didn't deserve her or mourn her death

He hated himself that everything he does with Jeannette he thinks about her, he couldn't help it he never Jeannette like that but as a little sister and it never helped that her attitude feeds along with it, he genuinely loves his wife but she has attitude of a child an oblivious idiot, as a crown princess you would think it is her duty to lead an empire but she doesn't do the work she wants to have tea parties like her life is a storybook she handed every of her work to him and he had to do so without any complaints

Tia valentine a girl no older than 18 came to his life who greatly reminds him of his angel, from her intelligence to her bright smile, truth to be told he wanted her as his daughter as she is the copy of his dreams about what his and athanasia's daughter will be like if they were together but he knew she would denied and that she did

He was furious to find out his father was in the plan to get rid of his princess that he was the reason why she died, all these years of telling him not taint of alpheus name he did it himself disregarding him and the fact he caused a human life to wither away and that his wife took a life that was never hers to begin with , he can't believe that he was close to people that caused the love of his life to suffer greatly that lead to her death

She's alive he thought when tia showed them the imperial family eyes, it all makes sense tia is a descendant of his beloved, she's alive but in arms with another man and that man isn't him, all these years of loving her he truly lost her just like that, his father and wife now executed at the end he saved no one but himself and now he has to carry all the burden his father cost him, he's life was truly pitiful

She was there hair still bright as the sun and smile that still brighten the rooms and now pregnant, he wanted to fell on his knees and begged for her forgiveness and to chose him but he knows nothing will do, he doesn't deserve her he never did, he watch her get hurt and he didn't do a thing like a coward he is, now he's watching her in arms with another man and have a happy family something he dreamed to have with her, maybe in another universe their hearts will bloom together

He gave her one last look and before turning around and went home

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