Weeks later

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Couple of weeks later

It's been a couple of weeks and I've been searching for ways to cure the emperor still nothing and amber isn't back yet but they must be on their way, Jeremy has been visiting me more often we hung out at cafes and sword matches starting to think we're going on dates, Jeannette been trying to get close to me it's making me uncomfortable because I can tell she's trying to transform me into her perfect daughter giving me dresses and dolls when I don't like them what the hell will I do with dolls bitch I'm 18 but I'll give to Roxy she'll like them, Claude is also trying to get close to me and I somewhat let him in which I'm so guilty for after knowing everything he did to my mother I despise him in general but ever since I was young I always wanted a grandfather, Arius has been coming in and out helping me and informing me about our family mom is beginning to show, he said there's a rat who's in and out of the black tower and he's creating a trap to found out who the culprit is they uses black magic and it's skilled but he got it

Right now I'm having tea with Jeannette again

Thanks for having tea with me tia I know how busy you are as the palace's magician Jeannette said yes they forcibly hired me as their mage

It's nothing princess, I can always make time for you I said giving her a fake smiled, I really don't give two shits about her she's dumb and naive even at her grown age and I'm still salty she didn't defend my mother before she was executed

Oh just call me Jeannette she giggled

Okay Jeannette I sipping my tea

So is there any Romance in your life I saw that you've been awfully close with Jeremy von Neuschwanstein she said wait how does she know Jeremy and I only meet at town he never came to the palace, has she been spying on me

I put my cup down and cleared my throat

How do you know about him we only meet at town, have you been spying on me

Jeannette froze then had a nevous look on her face

I was just wondering where do you always leave to  so I hired a guard to protect you she said looking down, fuck being nice I got up

Princess with all do respect you crossed  my boundaries I never asked for your protection and spying on me when I'm going out with a friend and investigating him is very disrespectful to me and him

Im sorry I just wanted-

Sorry doesn't cut it do not put yourself into my private life again, this is simply business there is no personal relationship going on between us, have a good day I said walking away I didn't turn around but I can feel her black magic seeping out I already put a protection barrier around me so it won't affect me

I went to my room and shut the door and put a protection barrier ever since I fixed the emperor there has been assassins after me I got rid of them all but they still come back what they want with me I don't bother nobody

I had to go and meet the emperor yet again ughhhh when  is amber and dad coming back, im starting to have more insight about who the emperor was trying to forget it's a woman I didn't see her face just the body

I teleported to his palace and walked to his room


Lady tia how are you today

My day was alright how about you

It was also alright

Sir Felix may I ask do you know a woman name Lilian York I asked him I think it's time to meet my surrogate grandmother she did raise and love my mom

He flinched at my question hmmmmm did he know her, most likely

Yes Lilian York was the nanny of the former princess she's now back to her family

Oh okay

Why do you ask do you know her

Yes she was a friend of my mother, she asked me to send her a letter on her behalf

Oh I'll write you her address

Thank you Felix

I went inside

Good afternoon your majesty I said now I don't have to greet him with those long titles I also put a protection barrier on him to protect him from Jeannette's black magic it's exhausting having to take it out every hour


I sat and poured myself some tea

What is your mother's name and what is she like he said ah shit here we go again what is the deal with the imperial family obsession with mine

Her name is nasia valentine she is the most sweetest and most beautiful woman in the continent

Most beautiful you seem confident, Bitch what you tryna say about my mothers beauty

I am very confident because it's true your majesty she looks like a goddess that bath herself in the sun

We stayed quiet for awhile

Have we met before he asked does he still remember our first encounter when I was ten

Oh I didn't think you would remember I was the girl who accidentally stumbled into your garden 8 years i said yes claude and I have met before when I was ten I wanted to see my grandfather so bad I accidentally teleported into the palace garden, he was such a dick after that my mom told me about him and what he did

I remember you had blue eyes at the time why did it change he said shit I didn't think he would notice

I look better with red eyes that is why I changed them

Hmm, I think you also said you were searching for your grandfather did you found him he asked he still remember our conversation what the fuck

Yes, he's a bastard who needs to burn in hell for he did to my mother

he was stunned by my words

Well your majesty I need to leave my brother is visiting me today

Very well

I left

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