Dinner disaster

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Jeannette ran to her room and locked herself in crying about her rejection, ijiekiel came to their room

"Ijiekiel how could you say that" she said

"Say what" ijiekiel asked annoyed and confused what did I do now

"You said it was a good idea"

"No i did not I told you it's not going to work she already has a family she doesn't think of us as that, why are you so obsessed with her? Ever since she came here you've tried so hard to get her to like you"

"Because she's the perfect daughter I dreamed to have ijiekiel we've tried so hard for a baby and nothing worked so I'm sorry if I finally found someone who I think as a daughter"

"Is it that or is it because she reminds you of princess athanasia" ijiekiel said there was more to Jeannette's love for tia and he could tell

"What are you talking about" Jeannette asked confused and nervous, she genuinely liked tia but she reminds her of her sister they look the same and act the somewhat the same also

"You know what I'm talking about the only reason you like her is because she reminds you of your sister" ijiekiel said

"No it's not that I really do like her for her not because of my dead sister why would you bring her up"Jeannette started sobbing ijiekiel felt guilty for bringing up the dead princess he went to hug her and soothe her

"I'm sorry I'm sorry okay for bringing her up"ijiekiel kissed her forehead

Jeannette continued sobbing till she eventually calmed down and fell asleep

Ijiekiel began thinking about the princess and tia and their similarities, tia reminds him a lot about the late princess and her friend Lucas that was never seen again since her execution, did the princess escape death by any chance, Ijiekiel shook his head by the thought of course she didn't he was there witnessing her take her last breath

A couple of days later
Tia pov

Ever since what happened it's been awkward I still have meetings with his majesty tho but I'm forced to see Jeannette now she's always trying to convince me by giving me gifts telling unfunny stories about her noble friends It till all my willpower not to drag her again because I have no problem for a round two

"Ambroise I'm going to his majesty now try not to get caught" I told him yes Ambroise and dad are back from the world tree,he's staying with me till I fix his majesty I'm doing it tonight then leaving tomorrow

"Fine, if we take this do you think they'll notice" he asked holding a golden bowl

"Probably yes put it back"

"Ughhhh fine, I'm going to Arius anyways i can't believe the former emperor is alive" Ambroise groaned

yes our grand uncle is alive and trying to take back the throne, turns out him roger alpheus and countess Rosalia planned out mom's execution, they are working together to get back the throne, and the reason why his majesty was on the bridge of dying, and Jeannette knew that was her real father I'm not sure if she knew his plans tho she's naive and dumb to realize he's just using her to get back the throne, this makes everything more fucked up when I fix his majesty I just know all hell with break loose I wish not to be there, not my problem or business

"Yeah yeah fine I'll meet you guys there" I said I teleported to his office

"Your majesty I'm here"I said


I sat down and pour myself some tea

"Who do you think is planning on killing you" he said oh is he talking about the assassination attempts

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