Bonus chapter: the plan

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she was born in a palace full of concubines that had a massacre and spent the rest of her life isolated from the world no one knew her or care about her she was just a burden, she grew up asking for her father where is father? Will he visit me? Does father love me? Only to get answers he will from her nanny, she was a fool was believing it

She first met him when she was nine, she stared at him with such admiration only for him to give her a cold look but she didn't think much of it though that was her first mistake, she needed to be perfect for him so she  began studying to be a perfect princess thinking if she does he will finally noticed her and love her, she perfected everything about herself she mesmerized every source of literature she could get her hands on, perfected her dancing to every little thing, she will now have her father's love as you must work hard to gain love all that went to waste when her sister was introduced

She didn't think much of it even though her heart was telling her otherwise that was her second mistake, she knew from the jump that her sister hated her and saw through her lovely innocent facade but ignored it as she wasn't worth a thought in her mind her only thought was to get her father's love but her hatred started to brew when she saw them being close, that should've been her not Jeannette and why was her father entertaining her childish ways, why was her honorable father lowering himself for that type of entertainment? but not wanting to seem like a jealous princess she kept the smile on her face thinking of ways to destroy them both for wasting her time

She was going to get killed, impossible father would never, she thought she was just hallucinating when she saw another version of herself that madness has finally overcame her, but no that version of her was brighter, happier, and prettier she had to believe it, that version of her gave her a warning that she will get killed by her sisters aunt and to find out her sister is not her sister but her cousin, that her uncle the former emperor is alive and will take back the throne, athanasia only felt one emotion and that was fury

She was angry she was furious by the revelation, she wanted to scream she wanted to cry she wanted to destroy them both, she wanted to destroy her father for using black magic to forget about her mother and she wanted to destroy her sister- no cousin for taking what's rightfully hers as she was the only one to see through Jeannette's innocent facade, she wanted them to kneel before her and beg for her forgiveness, but how though?, well it was quite easy let them destroy themselves and face the consequences

She fell in love with him the day their eyes met, his long raven hair with red ruby eyes his sharp but gentle features, he was perfect for her and he's the only one that will save her from her misery, some may judge her for being with him despite his age but she didn't care as long he loved her that is all that matters, and she will make sure he falls in love with her just as she is to him and just in time

It was very hard to say at least especially when he always shut her out when she visited him, she wakes up early in the morning to see him after she visits her father only to get kicked out by both, but she didn't give up she went back over and over again befriending him which he accepted, she did wondered about his sexual orientation was he attracted to men, but that wondered fade away when she asked him

" are you attracted to men" athanasia abruptly asked him, Lucas spit his drink surprised by her question, he immediately blushed embarrassed by her question

"W-what!! Why would you asked that!!"

" so you are"

" no!!!!"

" oh"

" do I look like im attracted to men" he asked she gave him a good look

" hmmmm more or less, you're a very pretty boy"

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