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Two months later

After the execution all of obelia started mourning and apologizing to their real princess, they build shrines and memorials praying for forgiveness and to come back to obelia once again as her name does mean immoral, and they also send flowers to her grave after finding out where she was buried, Claude stopped drinking and getting rest after a month of grieving, he wanted to find his daughter and her family to properly apologize for his actions he accepts the fact that athanasia may never return to him and he's going to learn how to move on he still do wish to be part of her life and make it up to her for all the years of neglect but he'll accept the fact if she says no , the alpheus name has been tarnish and decreased into a count family no one respects them anymore as the family name has been tainted with treason ijiekiel has been learning how to move on he still thinks about athanasia but knowing that she's a taken woman now he knows he'll never have a chance , he stills single as no noble woman wants to be part of the alpheus family as they reputation has dropped, and he's still grieving from his father and wife's death

Athanasia is now seven months pregnant and has never been happier with her family, tia and Jeremy are now dating Jeremy confess his feelings to her a month ago and they have been dating ever since then, Roxana and Orion are now nine years old and they have been learning how to control their mana, the triplets are all happy and relaxed and are planning on traveling, today they are celebrating their mothers birthday they bought her a huge chocolate cake decorate the house with the help of Lilian York who's planning on moving in to help athanasia with the kids

while everyone was celebrating Roxy and Orion went to get some air

"Your majesty are you sure they are here" Felix said Felix decided to stay as his knight after Claude begged him

"Yes I can feel their mama wave and shhh before they hear us" claude hissed

"Ory I think heard something" Roxy said looking around

"Let's go back inside" orian said taking his sisters hand they went back inside to get more cake

"Shit they heard us" claude said my grandchildren Roxana and Orion which means dawn, they look like her I'm surprise they carry jewel red eyes,They stood in front of a big comfortable house

"Well your majesty it's time" Felix said Claude just nodded they went up and knocked

"It's must be jeremy and his family" tia said she smiled and open the door

"hey guy's"- her smile dropped and stared at them in disbelief

"What the fuck"

Felix waved at her not knowing the real reason they are here he thinks Claude is paying tia a visit

"What is it honey" athanasia called out she went up to her daughter and gasped when she saw her father and Felix, Claude heart stopped staring at his heavily pregnant daughter she looks exactly like Diana he thought, Felix stared at athanasia in shock, lady Diana? he thought, Lucas quickly when to his wife when he heard her gasp

"What are you doing here" he growled at him protecting his wife

"Lucas it's fine let him in" athanasia reassured

"Come in" she said letting them in they got in and there was an awkward silence

"Is the Neuschwanstein's here" lily said coming in before almost dropping the drinks shock to see the emperor and Felix thankfully Arius caught them



"How about we talk in private" athanasia said leading them to her garden, they sat in silence while athanasia rubbed her belly for comfort

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