Bonus chapter: From her eyes

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Ever since she was born she was told that she was born to be a princess beloved by all by her father by the people of obelia by everyone in the continents she would marry ijiekiel alpheus and live her life in luxury like a real princess,Jeannette believed everything as she was just a young child she believed the words of her aunt and the words of her uncle roger and ijiekiel, she never doubt them even after finding out her real father was the former emperor she wanted that life she deserved it after all it is her birth right

She first met her cousin on her debunte ball, she was quiet nice beautiful girl, she was the most beautiful girl Jeannette has ever seen and she hated it, how could she be considered a lovely princess when her cousin is right next to her and perfect at everything she does but the concerned quickly vanished after she gained her uncles love something athanasia couldn't gain, she thought maybe she would be jealous by the luxury and favoring she getting but it was the opposite her cousin was supportive of her and she hated it she wanted her to feel jealous and ashamed of herself but the only thing she gave her that annoying smile

She noticed how ijiekiel was smitten over her cousin and she hated it her aunts and uncles words weren't coming to light, what did athanasia had but she didn't it couldn't be she had everything athanasia wished she had, she was pitiful while she's lovely so why does ijiekiel like athanasia but not her

Her aunt was planning something and she didn't know what it was but it had to do with athanasia, she wanted to know what it was and maybe stop her but does it matter she knows her aunt won't listen to her it will be a waste of time and words, and how bad could it be?

Poisoned, she was poisoned and she knew there was only one person responsible for her poisoning her aunt Rosalia, she was furious about it if she wanted to get rid of athanasia that bad she could've done a different way not use her for it, she watched her sisters execution with guilt creeping up on her she didn't like athanasia but not enough to get her killed but shakes it off saying it was rightfully hers, how her presence would taint her perfect life, or death was better for her anyway that she shouldn't live suffering

She quickly married ijiekiel to cool down the revelation of her aunts actions and it was the happiest day of her life she was happy that she wanted athanasia to be here with her but remembered that she was dead and in resting somewhere, but she noticed ijiekiel looks how he faked his happiness and she only thought of one thing, athanasia he's still thinking about athanasia

A child, that's the only thing she wanted to complete her happy ending, she and ijiekiel have been trying for years to produce a heir for the next throne a child that is a perfect mixture of their love for each other but nothing they both had doctors check them out to see if any of them were infertile but there was no issue both ends they just couldn't even produced one, Jeannette was furious and heartbroken she wanted a child so bad but nothing would work, maybe it was her karma for not helping athanasia, your probably laughing at me up in heaven she thought to herself

She went to the alpheus manor only to find someone who resembled her uncle, he gave her a bright smile and showed himself to her it was her father, she was shocked and excited to find out her father was alive all this time, he told her he couldn't be with her because he was afraid that her uncle would kill him again and hurt her and she believed him, she knew he was planning something with roger alpheus to most likely take the throne but decided to stay quiet like before, just as always how bad could it be? It was rightfully theirs to began with

A girl with raven hair and beautiful red eyes came to fix her uncle, she was immediately mesmerized by her beauty and grace she reminded her of her cousin someone she hadn't thought of for years, she came to the palace and immediately knew what happened to her uncle and could cure him but it would take a while for him to be fully cured, she tried to get closer to her and charmed her but the girl only pushed her away but she didn't mind it because she'll eventually give in, she tried adopting her as her own and thought it was a perfect plan for them to be ultimately close only to get rejected miserably and get judgmental stares from everyone around her

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