The aftermath

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Tia was lost for words she didn't know what to say but she still kept her poker face

"&What are you talking about your majesty I don't carry the imperial family mana I think your having hallucinations" she said claude took his sword out and pointed it at her neck tia remained calmed and collected

"If I were you I'll take that's sword out my father placed a lot of dangerous protection spells on me"

Claude still kept his position he needed to know the answer was his daughter still alive

"Just tell me is my daughter still alive" he asked tia gave him a confused look

"Your majesty princess Jeannette's head is currently at the gates getting gouged out by a bunch of kids including my brother" tia smiled at him claude gritted his teeth before shoving his sword at her neck once again tia remained unfazed even rolling her eyes, she threw the sword away across the room with her mana

"You and I both know that wench isn't my daughter there's no way she could be able to have kids when she's made up of black magic, I have only one child and that is my lovely daughter athanasia" Claude growled at her tia glared at him

"How ironic you say that when you said yourself you never considered her as your real daughter when she was still alive" she growled back at him, Claude looked at her confused

"What do you mean still alive I don't have any other children other than athanasia, so just admit it athanasia is alive and pregnant, you came to me 8 years ago searching for me that's why you had blue eyes till you changed it to red"

"Is black magic still on you or what Don't you remember your majesty twenty years ago you ordered for her execution she was hanged and everyone saw her body even you, deep down you knew she didn't poisoned Jeannette but you wanted to get rid of her that bad so ordered for her execution had a huge celebration about it and let people celebrate her death for 10 years and didn't care till after 20 years" tia growled at him pushing him away from her claude back away by each words of attack

"You abandoned her" tia said her anger rising by the minute, "you let her get looked down upon by everyone including nobles, she did everything to please you she worked hard every day just to be noticed by you only for a mere chimera you knew wasn't yours to begin with to get your attention just like that" she continued claude ended up falling to his furniture looking down in shame with tears weld up in his eyes

"You were never a father to her since she was born and yet here you are claiming to be your daughter after twenty years and 18 years of neglect, well NEWS FLASH OLD MAN SHES DEAD AND NEVER COMING BACK" tia breathe she turned around catching her breath and cooling down she finally spilled all the resentment she had

"Princess athanasia died twenty years ago your majesty, she died pathetically on that stage and left the world as a traitor to the obelian family" she said she then turned around letting her real blue jewel eyes show remembering what her mother wrote to her a couple of hours ago

Dear tia,
I heard you fix his majesty and that he remembers me and my mother, im so proud of you my dear perfect daughter you saved a lot of people from tyranny and I'm glad to be your mother
Ps. I don't mind if you tell him about us it's your decision ;)
from, mama

"But" she said claude looked up and was in disbelief

"Diana's daughter was reborn that day as nasia valentine she got married and lived her life freely and had her children and I am one of those children, pleasure to meet you grandfather" she gave him a sly smile

Claude heart stopped and was struggling to breathe as tears falls from his eyes, his and Diana's child the product of their love is still alive and well, relief washed over him knowing that his daughter is still alive with her own set of kids one of them the reason why he remembers them but sadness started to wash over him his daughter is alive and wants nothing to do with him not that he could blame her he treated her horribly and broke her beyond repair now one of his grandchildren having to come and fix all of his mistakes

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