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Roger alpheus found out about the emperor's awaken he didn't like it one bit while he's family does have a lot of power thanks to Jeannette he was hungry for more that's why he's working with the former emperor to take the throne, yes the former emperor Anastasius is alive and well ready to take back his throne that belong to him

We need to get rid of that girl he said pacing in roger's office

But how

We can just send assassins or frame for poisoning like we did to the former princess Anastasius said yes him, roger, and Rosalia were the ones who planned athanasia's execution

I heard she's staying in the sapphire palace we can send assassins at night roger said

There was a knock on the door and Jeannette came

Daddy she ran to her father, yes Jeannette always knew Claude wasn't her father she found out her real father was alive months ago by accident, they've talked a couple of times and Anastasius has send her gifts

Hello darling how was your day Anastasius asked

It was nothing but lady tia the one who fixed his majesty is such a sweetheart and she's so beautiful I wish she was my daughter Jeannette gushed she isn't aware of Anastasius and rogers plan to take back the throne she thinks her father is there to make up all of the lost time

That's great tell me more about her Anastasius asked

Oh she's the cutest girl ever, she has long wavy black hair with the most beautiful red ruby eyes and rosy cheeks I plan to adopt her as my own she's perfect

What if she doesn't I presume she already has a family

Well yes but she has to say yes she'll have fame, honor, and wealth who doesn't want that and her mother already has a lot of kids she won't mind handing me one of her children right

Of course Anastasius said giving her a fake smile, my daughter is a delusional idiot she must've got that from her mother

What are you guys talking about Jeannette asked

Oh nothing right roger

Of course it's nothing Jeannette

Oh well okay I need to go back goodbye Jeannette said leaving the door closed

Roger sigh shaking his head

We need to get rid of her quickly before she gets too attached

Back in the sapphire

I should go to town and check out the festival that's going on

I made a clone then teleported away I landed in a alley then started walking checking everything out

Tia? Someone called out

Tia? I turned and it was my best friend

Jeremy, oh my god what are you doing here

Checking the festival out, are the others here

Jeremy neuschwanstein my friend for 4 years, we've met a sword shop we became rivals then friends

Yes their with shuli, how about yours where are they

Oh their back home, it's just me today

Then come with us shuli would love to see you again

Of course I miss your hot stepmother

Stop calling my mom hot

We walked to his family, jeremy doesn't live in obelia he lives in one of the neighboring empires the Kaiserreich empire, we have a lot in common like how were the oldest kid in our families and our love for swords

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