Chapter 4

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Rochana was lost in thoughts and her eyes were still closed. At that time, she felt a hand on her head. She opened her eyes with a jerk and found a woman looking at her with motherly affection.

Rochana: Pranipat Rajmata Pritha.

Pritha: Pranipat putri! From when did you start to call me rajmata instead of Mata? I don't know what happened between you and Parth, but I hope it won't affect in our relationship.

Rochana: *nods*. Why did you come here mata? If you need anything, you could call me. I would be there to serve you.

Pritha: Putri! Get ready! Today, we are going to do your rajya abhisekh as the chief queen of Hastinapur.

Rochana: What is the need mata?

Pritha: What are you saying putri? You are king's wife. So, you will be the queen only. I know you have responsibilities of kashi also but now you have here too. Go and get ready soon. Then you have to donate things also between brahmans and subjects.

Rochana nodded and got ready. Then she went to the Rajyasabha and greeted everyone. Parth smiled at her and introduced her to the subjects. Rochana greeted them. Parth passed his hand to her but Rochana ignored him. Parth felt bad and took back his hands.

Rochana told that her subjects would be like her children and she will always be ready to serve them.

Like this, some days passed. Parth was trying to win Rochana's heart continuously but Rochana was ignoring Parth badly. Rochana's heart was melting but she was not showing this.

At morning,

Rochana woke up but didn't find Parth beside her. After getting ready, she went to the practice arena but didn't find Parth. She went to the rajya sabha but he was not there too. Rochana asked one of the maids where Parth and she answered that a letter came from the princess of Gandhar and he went there only.

Rochana frowned and grasped hearing this. As she knows Suhasini, the princess of Gandhar's nature very well.

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